1960 my FIL built this house and his father grabbed a sapling from the woods and plopped in front to help out. It’s time to go, unfortunately Fella I do saw work for is going to bring it down for us. You can guess a price too, but I’m curious what it will yield for volume. Comes down in Mid May and I’ll pile it in rounds separately just for this thread. Some of that will be noodled rounds. i use 70% of a pile of splits to get to cordage. Not sure on rounds.
That's a big one! Red maple? What will he be doing? Dropping limbs then trunk only? Brush is on you? 2cord.
I say a cord and a half. A 22" DBH tree will yield a cord harvested down to 4". Gonna need a big saw to noodle up that trunk. Have them leave it in sections Mike so you can cut to your size...and get to play with chain saws! I say $1500 and they chip the brush.
I'll guess 1.75 cords. That's an impressive tree, I love the rock wall, and that looks like zoysia grass. Are there any bonus points for guessing the grass?
3 cord and all your buddies/saw work fella's fav beer for the following month. Naturally you will be obliged to help them with both items of discussion Depending on your buddy list this may..... Or may not be a good deal.
2.346 cords 592 to take down when I win you can just send me one of your next “you suck” saw purchases for my prize