I was looking up a couple of specs for the 350 and found this. At first I thought it was a joke, but the more I read the worse it got. It's like a mad-lib gone wrong. I'm tempted to message the writer and somehow let them know that they know nothing about equipment, but the more I think about it, the more my brain hurts. Husqvarna 350 Chainsaw Review and Specs
Won’t hurt any feelings. That article is written by a bot. It’s becoming more and more common that someone makes a program to aggregate other articles on a topic and output a ‘new’ article. It lets someone make a website full of articles on a particular field of interest like outdoor power equipment without all that old fashion effort of research and writing. (Doesn’t matter if the writing is trash if the key words are there to come up in a google search.) Then sell a bunch of targeted ad space and wait for the clicks. Now there are so many machine generated articles that they use each other as input data and the quality of the writing gets worse and worse. It’s like making a copy of a copy of a copy.
"The cutting power of this model could also be increased when more oil is pumped into the machine via the muffler’s port." OH, OK.
But, but it's got to be real, we read it on the internet. Now I'm going to try squirting some oil I'm my muffler for the extra power.
You are a better man than me for getting that far into the article. I had to quit after the first 3 paragraphs.
Sheesh! That was tough! I thought it was an April Fools joke. But the bot explanation makes sense. And now that we all clicked on it, it worked. They got their clicks by using a clickbait title...and soon a Husqvarna ad will pop up the next time we open our browser. Ugh
well, it did say early on (before I stopped reading), that the saw was powered by the muffler. It also has an iron case! I guess I should click it again and start the head shaking once more.