Looking to put together a leaf vac. Trailer. Similar to a cyclone rake. I’m not having much luck sourcing the impeller set up. These things are kinda spendy for occasional use. I have a horizontal shaft motor and a trailer hanging around.
You don't see good deals on used ones around? My FIL was complaining about having to rake leaves everyday (1st world retired peoples problems ) so I started looking on FB MP and CL...I was surprised to find a number of great deals around...fortunately before I did anything with it he "figured out" that their push mower is actually a mulcher and it makes those leaves totally disappear, especially when you do them everyday, like he does. That was a great discovery because I didn't really feel like another small engine to get running for him every year...he not so good with non E fuel or stabilizer! The guy is/was a great builder, but mechanical understanding...ZIP!
I have been looking the ones I have seen are all hammered. I old man is the same mechanically. Lives 2 hours away. I just picked up 2 5 gallon cans of e free and brought them to him. I told him when they are empty I’ll refill them. 4hour round trips to tinker on carburetors is no bueno!
I've been thinking about a leaf vac for years. I even tried a push model thinking it would work. It sucked... I'd love to have a trailer mounted one but the price is pretty high for a one-per-year yard machine...
Yeah. I was going to add... [NOT literally] lol I rolled the thing back and forth over a pile of leaves (for an hour) and it only picked up half of them...
I should probably head down to the shop and build one. But then I'd have another trailer sitting around in the way...
We were going to buy a used leaf vac/trailer setup for my FIL this year, but then one day he happened to discover that his push mower was actually a mulcher, and it just made them leaves disappear!
I have a push one (push mower size) that sucked up the leaves fairly well. The bag on it is just too small. I haven't used it in 20 years. Because I bought a DR Power trailer and blower one and it has worked rather well. I used to go 3/4 mile down the street with it and get the leaves from my sister's house. The engine seized last year and this year I used just the riding mower which was a lot of back and forth to my leaf pile, but it was just once. Usually I have to do leaves two or three times over several weeks. This year the leaves fell late and in a rather short time frame. It does take up quite a bit of space in the garage.
No promises but let me ask if we have any left. Years ago I ran a batch of fabricated ones of our own design and had some extras. Iirc they were sized for 10 hp.
A mulching mower would work in the yard but we have stonewalls all around that collect a bunch of leaves. Raking or blowing out has been my method but I think sucking them up would reduce time doing an unfun task.
Has anyone tried a DR Leaf and Lawn Vacuum? A one week sale on at DR and a good deal on the PRO XL DR PRO XL321 Manual Start Leaf and Lawn Vacuum | DR Power Equipment
I was at my buddy's farm the other day and he had an Agrifab leaf vac/trailer there. I mentioned i was thinking about buying one, he said just come get his and take it. I'll be trying it soon.