Back at it in the past few days, finally! Got soft over the winter and although sore, it's a good feeling to be doing something real rather than winter time make work projects in the shop. Having the daylight beginning to be visible at 5am is huge also I sawed out the fascia boards and am finishing up the overhangs before I start on the siding. I moved the mill into the building in anticipation of the spring rains. Got a roof, might as well take advantage of it. That's a green Hemlock 2x9x12' fascia board at the eave. Not much of a joy to put up by myself
That doesn’t look like “sawing in the rain”. That looks like “sawing while it was raining”. Which of course is much more bearable. Good to see progress!!
Soffit and fascia at least on 3 sides. I screwed up my order and done have enough metal for the back side. (against the woods) I might scrap it out with mismatched colors or just wait until I put on the lean to under that gable, then I can do it off the roof of the lean to. Or maybe I'll just use wood.
I don't know how I missed all of this last year, but a sawmill is something I have always wanted. Have helped a couple of buddies who had them, but never bought my own. This building looks great! Now before you side the entire thing, are you going to put in large doors so you can "open" up the building and get plenty of air during the hot months?
Doors, I have 2 @ 18'+ and the one under the front gable is 16'. They'll all be "rolling" doors. Today I'll be figuring some of this out, I think that I need to pad out the track mounting surface 2 1/2" to clear possible future battens. I'm unclear whether or not I'll want or need them considering the buildings use. A little snow blowing in really shouldn't matter. As long as the siding shrinkage is only about a half inch I think I'll be fine, but I'd like to plan for this possible need in the future.
It is amazing how much wind comes through cracks. Actually small cracks will cause calves to get pneumonia easier than leaving a door open. Constant strips of rain or snow on anything left near gets old really quick. Battens look better than cracks. Very nice build and I applaud you for your work!
I don't know how much shrinkage to expect with the hemlock and my lack of discipline.... I can see putting battens on next year being awfully convenient to put off year after year for a couple go rounds. Once I've got some of the walls done I believe that it may look awfully plain or flat and I can see battens adding some traditional "texture". First 2 siding logs.
East side first. (Least traffic side ) S'posed to rain this afternoon but this side will be finished except for the battens and a little additional horizontal lumber for the rolling doors.
Are you going to do anything to prevent runoff from the roof splashing up on that beautiful new siding?
It's almost a 40" overhang and once I'm done twisting around the building with the skid steer I'll bring it some gravel. I really haven't noticed a lot of mud and "stuff " on the concrete and posts so far.
Really liking the looks of it! I'm sure it will give years of good service. I'm curious if the enclosed soffit will collect a lot of sawdust? Beautiful building!
I'm pretty new to sawing and what I've done has been outside. The building's obviously wide open now and I've not noticed far it doesn't seem to. The opposite of side is identical to the one pictured, and the front has a 16' wide door that's 12'+ tall. It hopefully will give me good ventilation to keep the sawdust moving.
Not much more left of the "first floor" to cover, just about 3/4 of the front wall and 16' of that is door. BUT then it all needs battens and there's 2 Gables.
Oh yeah, then there's the lean to across the back. That need 5 footers for posts. I bought 16' metal for the roof when I got the main roof materials. I'm tempted to not build a overhang other than a few inches for a drip line away from the siding. I'm not sure how I'll use this space, right now I'm thinking about getting some tractor implements and snowplows out of the weather.
No grass growing under your feet! Everything looks great. Love to have such a building on some property nearby!
My ADD kicked in (I was getting bored with siding) so I did what I needed to do and put the door track and battens on above it. Working on the opposite side today to bring it up to the same point as the other side. We're supposed to have showers on and off today so I figured I'd hang out under the overhang getting that done.