Assuming the bed is about 9 feet long x 7 feet wide, with the logs at 8 feet and the 5.5" deck board sides indicate the height to be around 30"-32", I'd say its one full cord. Maybe up to 140 cu. ft.
That’s around what I was thinking. Just making sure I wasn’t losing my marbles because he wants more than a split cord is going for.
I would say a cord thats without looking at other replies. What did he say? This is where "Joe average burner" is clueless as to volume based on a pile of wood/logs/rounds etc. I had a customer last year buy a cord from me. He shows me the three cords he bought prior all neatly was half that!
Well, it seems the general consensus is about 1 cord maybe a little more. I agree. envision a 4x4x8 ft box. Will that fit in the box.
Just under one and a half. That looks like an eight foot bed and would average out to about three foot tall overall.
He posted that picture and said $225. Split cords are $200 here. Everyone’s trying to make a buck off the high fuel prices. Tree service guys that used to drop in your driveway for free are getting few and far between. Finding more postings like this.
After it’s CSSed I think it’s a stretch to get a full cord from it I’d really like to have the truck though
I don’t think it’s quite a cord. I think you should buy a load though and let us know how much it ends up being