I am not a “two stroke whisperer”, by any means, but I had to brag that I helped a neighbor out today. His mower was starting and then kicking out after a second or two of running. He had the filter off and was messing with the carburetor. He had already replaced a fuel line. I reached over and said “try this” and it was off to the races. Any guesses what I did? I bet you’ll get it quick.
Does your neighbor still run a Lawn Boy mower? That's about the only two stroke mower that I can think of?. Could be the float had stuck and when you went to mess with it it unstuck and allowed fuel to re enter the dry carb bowl and after that it was working normal once it was broken free? Edit: I read this as what could I have done. I see this is a question to see if we can figure out what easy thing you did...I'm with the previous post as you knew you did something easy and we're trying to figure it out . But I'd say cut fuel on cause you said it would run then cut off so it had spark so I doubt the wife was off unless it was close and arching through the boot enough to hit a few times and stop for some reason
aaah, you are right, not a two stroke, because it has an oil tank. Shows how much I know. No correct answers yet though. Good answers but not how I got this one running. the gas was on and there was spark. Primer was priming, even dribbling out the side with the filter off.
Turned the choke off and im not a two stroke wonder either! EDIT: this stated without reading the replies.
It could have an oil tank and still be a 2 stroke...its called a pre-lube system...there is a pump that pumps 2 stroke oil into the intake at a rate based on throttle position and engine speed...but I've never seen one of those in a mower...more of a motorcycle and snowmobile thing.
Choke was my first guess too, but that didn’t do it. I didn’t put my hand over the intake. Good hypothesis’. let me know and I’ll spill it.
Well, the comments you have made so far would lead me to believe there was plenty of gas if this is not so then let us know. That would only leave spark and compression, or it was not getting air but gas. So far too ambiguous to give an answer.
All very good hypotheses, but no one has nailed it yet. there was plenty of gas until there wasn’t. The primer was working. No adjusting of the carb required. I’m about ready to spill it, and my neighbor was too once I did my quick fix.
Filled up the gas tank. Otherwise it is just a guessing game because not enough info to give an educated answer.