When I was still working full time, on slow days I would take a few hours off and use vacation time to css wood. I was a hoarder even before I knew I was.
There's a firewood hoarder, and there's a firewood snob. You might be a firewood hoarder if you drive around town inventorying the tree types with the wife. You might be becoming a firewood snob when you are pleasantly surprised by and point out all the BL occupying said inventory.....(there's a lot here!) Sca
Your wife might have married a firewood hoarder if she now knows what black locust looks like, and in your heart you know she'll report BL blowdowns she encounters.... Sca
You might me a firewood Horder, if you have traded off a load of cut and split firewood for a laptop. If your brother in law asks if you want a free Stihl chainsaw because the one he has is too big....and the free saw is a 180. I cleaned out the fuel tank and put fresh in and got it running. Leaks bar oil....like all Stihl saws. If a guy at work asks you,"you have a chainsaw right? What's the biggest one you got? How big a bar can it take?" And you have to reply, "You mean in my truck or at the house? Because that changes the answer a bit." I may be a snob right now, spring with 4 cords split, stacked, and aging for next winter already with half a cord of hedge and black locust over 3 years aged. Got 2 more cord ready to get split. I saw some big logs at the green waste site in town today. I got out and "just looked". It was not oak or hickory so I left it behind.
You might be becoming a snob.....when at the splitting yard you realize 3 or 4 crotches somehow made it to the splitting yard on the trailer, and you have to decide to shell a few slabs off or just toss the crotches in the brush pile.
You might be firewood hoarder if you traded a laptop for firewood! or traded anything else for firewood.
Uh Oh Dave, have you caught locust mania? I did my best to pass it long. Once you know what it looks lke its amazing how many you'll see.
Getting there for sure Brad. If is see something down I'll be on it like white on rice. Ill continue looking around, but am rather surprised how much is handy right here. Sca
Might be a hoarder if…You have well over 3 years worth of firewood under cover at home, you sprained your ankle at work yesterday, and you can’t stop trying to figure out how to go cut another load tomorrow morning. It really is a sickness!
You might be a wood hoarder if... ...you hear the word "score" and think of scrounging logs roadside instead of a romantic interlude!
well, sitting on ~65 cord c/s/s....I don't consider myself a hoarder at all. I consider myself a cleaner up of the woods during the winter months. I think in order to be considered a hoarder, one must be actively out looking and accumulating wood year around and is something they simply can't say no to.....as in an actual obsession that controls them. I typically only touch a chainsaw from November/December through February for few hours here and there on weekends only. Then splitting is done shortly after that so I am completely done and out of the woods by the time the trees bud and bugs come out. When one thinks of a hoarder of anything, they typically have an addiction and it's something they can't control, much less stop doing for months on end. So, IMO, it's not so much about how much wood you have, it's how you go about accumulating it and the anxiety one must have which drives them to want to accumulate said wood.
If you hoard in almost any weather conditions, even a little just to make some progress. If you walk among the stacks "making adjustments" "checking the top covering" to enjoy the smell of the wood.
Might be a hoarder if your on vacation and take the long there because you saw an add about free wood and normally it was to far from the house. ( happened to me this weekend) got about a rick of white oak. Picked it up on the way back through.