Apparently me either. I know what I want to aim for. If they want more so be it, I'll go to CIBid and play that game.
Aren’t they the same company/business ? I look at the MMAO, then go to Thompsons & a couple other sites for prices then figure 1/2 price then go below that to start. from. I was rejected & cold on some Olivas then added $1 & got the pack.
I had no idea that you could get locked out for too many unsuccessful bids. That’s a sketchy way to do business.
Diesel Shorties ... They were out of stock for a long time. But recently have came back instock. I've been broadening my horizon with Nubs and other 4.5x60's ...
I saw several packs of shorties on one of the sites. There are some Nicaraguan 4x60 & 3.7x58 seconds over on cigarbid.
Chevymn99 been helping me out a lot, going to try some tonight myself. I’m new to all this, but chevymn99 hasn’t steered me wrong yet.
Cigars are new to me too, other than Swishers & Black & Milds years ago while I attempted to play golf. I just dove in & asked questions later. Lol. I have a bit of uneven burn, probably from a less than perfect double v-cut but the view & background noise is great, mourning doves, owls, robins & frogs in the pond.
I am way ahead for sure, there is another 12-15 cord off to the left. I barely cut any wood last winter, I got a little lazy. I will be short on Cherry next year so I need to get on the stick & get so me cut. That’s about 4 years worth of cutting & splitting.
Coyotes are chiming in now but man those frogs are loud. I always forget how loud they get but they make great background noise for sleeping.