For ideas, from VT CL Too tall for loading rounds onto, but sure looks stout. I see quite a few variations on the back half of a truck theme.
Don't look for forage wagons, those have a live floor to unload silage/haylage/etc. Look for flare box wagon/barge wagon/wagon hoist.
True, all trailers are not created equal. Mine was previously a boat trailer converted to utility with square tube framing. Not sure how heavy an axle it has, but yours definitely appears heavier. Seems just for the ability to dump, the conversion would be worth it, even if you couldn’t haul what comparable dump trailers can.
Actually a horse trailer once it is stripped down is not very strong. Amazing how the strength is built into the body.
I am following this, I have the same idea for mine, the trailer is 2x4" square tube, and a 6000# 6 lug axle w/ brakes. It was formerly a solar powered highway construction sign.
I'm having second thoughts on this. Would I just be better off selling the three open utility trailers I have and getting one new dump? I could look for an open utility down the road. I have a 6.5x10 Pace American that I completely re-did, a 5x10 CAM that I went through around 5-6 years now, and the unknown brand black and red trailer. For all three I have to think I could get at least 3 grand with current prices. Maybe more. Are the BWise dumps the same as the Bri-Mar's? They sure look the same
I am the wrong one to ask that question to as I have 6 licensed trailers and probably 6 more on various places around the farm!! But in these times, trailers, trucks, tractors and equipment seem to be very high. Selling three to get one new one, sounds like a solid idea.
Yes, I believe Bwise and BriMar are the same. I've seen them listed as one name with the others name painted on it. Bwise dumps are a lighter weight build for residential use. Single ram. Often with just a drop tailgate. For about he same money you can often find a Big Tex tandem 7k trailer with a barn door gate, still with single ram. Deck will be lower than the Bwise over tire deck. I have looked at a Bwise over deck because they can sometimes be found for $1000 less than other trailers of same weight capacity.
I looked online a bit last night. Bwise deckover 6x10 with 10k capacity was around $8k. 7k capacity was like $6.5k Bwise low profile, big Tex....6x10 with 7k capacity with barn doors are all around $8k. 10k# capacity is around $10k new. I was looking at a used Bwise #7k for $4500. At that price I was going to change the rear gate myself and possibly remove all the sides. Modify the deck sides with pockets so I could add/remove sides so side loading would be possible.
Might call the company and talk to them. Maybe they have been thinking along those lines or hadn't ever considered it. Either way, if they build a prototype, and you use it they can see the pros and cons and you get what you want. Never hurts to ask.
Well friends, I'm sorry to disappoint, but I sold the black trailer yesterday. By the time I bought the metal, the hydraulic power pack, battery, hoses, cylinder, spent 40 hours plus building it, I just decided it'd be easier to sell and buy a real dump trailer down the road.