In loving memory of Kenis D. Keathley 6/4/81 - 3/27/22 Loving father, husband, brother, friend and firewood hoarder Rest in peace, Dexterday

Are you seeing any sales at the New England Big Box Stores this Spring?

Discussion in 'The Pellet Bag' started by Orson_Yancey, Feb 28, 2021.

  1. PhilaB


    Dec 27, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Near Philadelphia PA
    I think that around here, wood heating is less popular and the stores just put less effort into the whole thing. Pull the pallets down off the top of the rack in the fall, and put whatever doesn't sell back up in the spring. End of story.

    Thanks all for the input and I'll continue to poke around.
    bogieb and slvrblkk like this.
  2. Orson_Yancey


    Feb 26, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Portsmouth, NH

    Come to New England.
    bogieb likes this.
  3. Orson_Yancey


    Feb 26, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Portsmouth, NH
    Hi Folks,
    For the past four weeks, I have been purchasing wood pellets on sale from the big box stores.
    First, I purchased 12 tons from Home Depot for about $180/ton including shipping.
    Then the pellet pig in me got a hold of me, so I purchased another 8 tons from Home Depot
    for $180/ton.
    Then heating oil prices went to almost $5.00/gal. So, I purchased 8 more tons from
    Lowe's at $165/ton including shipping. When Lowe's loaded the eight tons on to
    their truck, some
    bags had water damage, so they delivered to me, almost nine tons.

    Then for a few days I purchased partially damaged bags from Lowe's for $0.50/bag.
    (Comes out to $25/ton.) I had to sort through the damaged pallets and put some
    torn pellet bags into plastic recovery bags. Plus I had to transport about 30 bags home
    at a time in my Cherokee, six trips. I purchased about 3.5 tons as individual bags.
    The damaged 50 cent bags are never advertised or listed in inventory. Lowes refuses
    to even deliver the damaged pallets of wood pellets because they are losing money on
    them and Lowes does not want a customer to ever complain. It works best
    if you are good friends with the employees who work in the Garden Center. They
    know me well enough to know that I will never complain. (As a pellet pig, wood pellets
    bought at a fire sale are a gift from God.) (I hope our forum administrators allow me to
    use the word God.)
    Feel free to PM me if yon want more details.
    Skier76, bogieb and slvrblkk like this.
  4. Tullytown


    Feb 15, 2015
    Likes Received:
    North of Phila Eagles.
    We all want know where u stored all those tons.. my math sez Bout 28 tons??
    Orson_Yancey, bogieb and slvrblkk like this.
  5. bogieb


    Mar 30, 2015
    Likes Received:
    New Hampshire
  6. Orson_Yancey


    Feb 26, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Portsmouth, NH
    Hi, I bought about 32 tons. Plus I have eight tons left over in inventory that I purchased
    two years ago. I have 1/2 acre of property. I have the wood pellets in clusters of about 3 to 7 tons
    each, which I have covered with canvas tarps (I purchased from Chicago Canvas and Supply.) I use 16 oz and 18 oz thickness canvas. I have experimented with canvas
    sizes ranging from 12' x 12' to 12' x 14' to 14' x 16'.
    The porch contains a few
    tons and the garage contains three tons. In clusters of pallets stacked side by side in rows two and three deep, it really does not look like 40 tons. A friend was by on Sunday, and he said
    that it does not look like 40 tons stored on my property. I am expecting fuel oil and wood pellets to be high in price for the next a few years, until Washington decides to allow the US to become energy independent. (Not trying to be political, just stating an economic fact.)

    I have stored most of my pellet inventory outdoors since the pellet sale of Spring 2016. I cover the a pallets with canvas tarps. As long as the canvas tarps do not touch the ground
    or hold moisture, the canvas tarps do not not rot for some 5 to 8 years. I have had less than 0.01% loss of pellets due to moisture damage. I always welcome friends and visitors from
    wood pellet community to stop by. Feel free to send me a PM if you want my exact address and phone number. My plan in the future is to install a wood pellet boiler (powers forced
    hot water zoned heating) and burn both
    bulk pellets or bags, whatever is cheaper at the time. The State of NH has rebates for installing wood pellet boilers that use bulk pellets. Over time, we will see more and more
    dealers of bulk pellets.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2022
    bogieb, PelletHound, slvrblkk and 2 others like this.
  7. jtakeman

    jtakeman Moderator

    Oct 4, 2013
    Likes Received:
    NW CT foothills
    I bought 4 tons from HD's fire sale. Delivery in next Monday. To my door price w/delivery was 223/ton. Crappy GS's, But that leaves plenty for 2 good chit tons.

    First time since 2004 I have had pellet delivered. Prefer to haul my own. A rare occurrence for us!!
    Skier76, Orson_Yancey, bogieb and 2 others like this.
  8. Tullytown


    Feb 15, 2015
    Likes Received:
    North of Phila Eagles.
    Good price for any pellets with delivery. Even GS..
    slvrblkk, bogieb and PelletHound like this.
  9. bogieb


    Mar 30, 2015
    Likes Received:
    New Hampshire
    I usually pick up my own too. Last time I had delivery was during the firesales in 2015. But, being able to get 6 tons, with delivery for about $3.75/bag, and believing that pellet prices would rise dramatically next fall, I just couldn't turn it down. Was hoping to have work done on my underhouse garage floor this year, but that will have to wait since I'm not moving those 6 tons out of there unless it is to actually burn them.
    jtakeman and slvrblkk like this.
  10. jtakeman

    jtakeman Moderator

    Oct 4, 2013
    Likes Received:
    NW CT foothills
    I hear ya!! Mine will have to sit under cover outside until I get my basement squared away. I only want to move them once otherwise I might just as well burn wood if I want the extra exorcise!!
    bogieb likes this.
  11. Orson_Yancey


    Feb 26, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Portsmouth, NH
    I make sure I have about six tons of wood pellets indoors, by each Fall. That is enough
    to heat all winter, if I were unable to bring in more pellets from outdoors. But I have found
    that there are enough warm days, and thaws all winter, that I am able to move pellets from
    outdoors to inside the porch or my garage. Most of my inventory sits outdoors covered by
    canvas tarps.
    bogieb likes this.
  12. Orson_Yancey


    Feb 26, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Portsmouth, NH
    Hi Jay,
    Many Lowe's Stores have damaged pallets of wood pellets that do not show up in
    inventory and are not sold through the regular process. Lowe's will not even deliver
    the damaged pallets because the pallets are written off as a lose. (Lowe's does not make
    any money on the $79 deliveries.) I have found that if I
    become good friends with the Garden Center employees (A bribe might help, not that I have done
    that.), they will allow me to search through the damaged pallets. I have been picking out good
    bags, but paying only 50 cents per bag. I am actually helping the Garden Center people do their
    job and clean-up the area. Jim (a Lowe's employee) and I have searched through about four damaged
    pallets. At most, a damaged pallet might have up to ten damaged bags. That leaves 40 good
    bags. I carry masking tape to sometimes cover a few holes. I slide a few bags of pellets into Lowe's
    Recovery bags and tie shut the recovery bag with twine. I hauled home several trips, some Northeast
    pellets that I was told are leftover
    inventory from Winter 2000-2021. I am pleased with the Northeast Pellets. The pellets
    are SuperPremium of Spruce and Fur, as communicated to me by Matthew Bell, the CEO of
    Northeast Pellet Co. Ashland, ME. In my opinion, the Northeast Pellets sold by the Big Box
    Stores and Walmart may be the best deal in existence on wood pellets. A 100% softwood
    SuperPremium pellet at big box store prices.
    bogieb likes this.
  13. PhilaB


    Dec 27, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Near Philadelphia PA
    So I decided to follow slvrblkk's lead and stalk the Lowes near me. And.... I DID find a couple of them that are selling off at a reduced price. Most of them are still selling at regular price, but Lowes Warrington is selling at $3.58 per bag, and Upper Moreland is selling at $4.17 per bag.

    I went to Warrington and they had at least 12 tons up on the racks. Mix of Green Supreme and O'Malleys. I bought a pallet and told them I wanted the GS (and not the Power Pellets). I couldn't tell which GS variety they were from the ground. but out front, they had Allegheny spayed open for individual bag purchase.

    So it was about $170 for a pallet and I sprung for delivery. In the end, $250 at my place. Not awesome, but not bad.

    What arrived was the Northeast Blend (not the Allegheny hardwood), but I felt kinda awkward telling them that I didn't want the O'Malleys, and I also didn't want the Northeast. I figured I would take my chances on which variety showed up. And of course, Murphy and I are good friends. :dex:

    So in the end, I've got a fresh ton of shoulder pellets here for $250.

    Probably a little too far south for you Lehigh Valley guys, but Tulleytown might be close enough.