Just seeing if there's any GMRS radio users out there ? Got my license about a month ago...and am really enjoying my handhelds at our property ! Looking forward to getting a bigger mobile setup as a home base with good antenna. Maybe someday becoming a ham operator. But for now..this is working great !
Im about to buy a pair of handhelds to use when it take my rzr out. Similar to what you have, may be the model above yours? I cant remember. They are black though, i know that.
GMRS and ham here. I do have radios but have to plead the fifth as far as what I have. You can buy ham radios and listen without becoming licensed to whet your appetite if you so choose. Depending on the units you get you can also program aviation and emergency frequencies and listen there too. I'll stop there before I dig myself any deeper.
These i believe.. I cant remember what i was looking at and now you have the hamster in my head back on its wheel.. LOL
I got a GMRS lic. a couple years ago and use the radios around the farm. Better than yelling when fixing high tensile fence. I also have all the marine bands programmed in because all the dog hunting clubs around here run on them, and it is good to keep tabs on their shenanigans during the season.