It’s hovering right around freezing with light snow coming down for the next couple hours. Probably end up with about 4 inches on the ground when it wraps up. Currently burning a couple small splits of black locust, with a couple box elder on top. I ended up bringing in some black cherry for the next couple days, just because I haven’t burned any yet this season. Shoulder season is officially back.
26 / 74 .... Snow started about 3 am this morning.... "suppose" to be a pretty decent one...We will see by tonight...
29 this morning. Maple and Ash in the Wood Gun. Going to switch over to Pine today. High of 38 expected. We have another storm coming in. Friday evening through Saturday is expected to bring 3-6” of snow. Nothing like the North Country!
25° at home with black locust, black cherry and red maple rolling the flames this morning. It's supposed to warm up fast today, hitting 50° later. That should melt a lot of the 5" of fresh snow we got yesterday.
26/73. Headed to 48 today. Almost out of wood in the basement. Guess I’ll have to bring a couple more splits in to prevent burning that highly valuable HHO.
18f here with a major snow event. I think we are up to 1/4" but maybe less. Not sure we will survive this so goodbye cruel world.
Stephiedoll If you'd like, we could send out a care package to help you through that storm! I guess I don't know if it would get through though.
Around +20°F ambient temperature Winds relatively calm at the house. We got around 8" of snow in this storm with just enough wind to build the drifts here by the house. Fkbs in the stove. My cold is improving. I was healthy enough to plow snow for a couple hours today. I was pretty whipped when I got done. . But very thankful I Could do it. Will have to make another couple passes in the morning.