I would love to harvest this massive (36" DBH!, yes that's a "pi" tape) recently dead red oak. However, it may be beyond my skill level. Thankfully, I don't need to decide today. I've got plenty more trees to clear out.
Lots of splits there if you can get it on the ground ; SAFELY!!! I cut some oak with BRAD that was 36 inches and got a boatload of splits out of just one round. I did split a little smaller but think it was around 40 from each one , once you get it to a workable size you get a lot of barkless splits in the end. Actually burning some of it now , great wood!
That is a nice one, for sure. Clear out some of the trees around it, and drop it. There are several members that might be close to you that could help.
Doesn’t appear to be near any roads power lines, or buildings. May be a good candidate for your first monster slaying
I can smell the two stroke gases (I would be the guy in the movie theater yelling "CUT IT"). Looks like you have the saws that can handle it. Clear out a little underbrush and let it rock. With the lean there should be no doubt about where it will fall. Good luck and be safe. Sure wish I lived near you.
Seeing what you've fell to this point, you got this. Just take your time and be vigilant. There's nothing different about it except size.
Mike your ms661 should easily handle that tree. Of course I don’t want to advocate you operating outside of your comfort zone, but given the size of the previous trees I’ve seen you post this one seems like a good candidate for you to give it a try as The Wood Wolverine pointed put.
Thanks for the moral support everyone. Three things are giving me pause: 1) Lots of widomakers up in the crown; 2) Lots of trees to clear out in the drop zone; 3) The preferred lean of the tree will put most of the crown into my neighbor's yard. He's a nice guy and would probably like the firewood, but, I can't be sure of that. It might take out some trees on his side of the property line on the way down, too. None of these are deal breakers, but I'm not in a hurry for this. If I do tackle this one, it will require a whole lot of preparations.
Oh man that's a nice straight trunk! That would make a big pile of splits! And with being that straight I bet it would split easy. Fire up the saws and get'r!
Like you said, main thing is watch out for widow makers. I have seen limbs break off as soon as the tree started to go. One of the bad things about cutting dead trees.
Clear your escape path well, plan your cuts carefully and you can do it. Wear a safety helmet of course. Biggest i ever did was a 37" stump dead white oak. Had a good lean and bought a 36" bar for the 460 just for the tree. We have faith in you Mike!
I was thinking about my prior response last night. If you dont feel comfortable felling that tree then by all means dont do it. You know your skills and what you are capable of. Ive seen some of the trees youve felled and think you could do it no problem. You've got the saw for it thats for sure!