Heck of a mix! Just lit up, supposed to get colder the next few days. Smaller red oak and mulberry splits to get a decent coal bed before the evenings chestnut oak. 34/75.
One of my Shagbark splits was too big to fit on the top row so I had to rearrange & a couple Cherry fit nicely. I am liking the Shagbark/Osage mix so far the few times I have done it. I just haven’t been to the other farm/woodpile to bring any Mulberry home or I would be burning some of that.
+18° F ambient temperature. Winds 5 to 10 from the east south east Fire killed white spruce in the stove. Will load a round of fkbs before I head off to bed. That pic of somewhere in the UP is what it looked like in this area this winter somewhat. Which it should not as we don't have lake affect snows here. Closer to the coast they get that and more. But not typically in the Interior. Was a very nice sunny day today. The sun actually had a bit of warmth in it.
17 F / 74 F... Got a nice bed of coals from the hedge last night. Trying to burn them down for a few minutes before refilling it up with walnut today.
Weather forecasters just can't seem to get it right anymore. 3" snow forecast tonight. We'll see what happens. 16 degrees this morning (predicted was 10).
3 degrees and I just loaded the Wood Gun with White Pine and White Spruce. I’ll be around off and on all day to tend to it so I’ll get some less BTU wood used up. Going to 20 for a high.
-20/66 Wood furnace is back at it (I don't fire it up overnight). Probably get a couple of degrees colder as it usually happens during the dawn hours....
22 with a high of 30 today. Right now we are getting sleet, snow and having a lightning storm in the mix. Good old Ok. Red oak in the Lopi. Mike in Okla
Constantly burning here only been negative 3 or 4 times A fire when it’s 70 out would get me to divorce court
She was the one who wanted it last night. Was 71 in the stove room and we were chilly. By that time it was low 60s outside!. This is the south were used to the heat, the stove room usually hovers from 77-80f.
-2 f at the house right now. Hit negative double digits last night. Got another couple of inches of snow last night. Burning some Ash and Lodgepole Pine splits at the moment. This is the view off the front porch. My son calls this “Bear Rock.”
24F/71F. Freezing rain mixed with sleet. The occasional roll of thunder. School cancelled and cars sliding off the roads. Burning oak and hickory. Maybe one or two pieces of hedge late at night.
28/72 and burning an odd mix of black locust and cottonwood, just to get rid of it. Snow is moving in around midnight, so tomorrow’s commute to work and the cleanup when I get home should be fun.
It's been almost hitting 80 so it's a tad hotter than just 70. It's just not that intense angle of the sun. And it's only that hot for a few hours instead of 90f at 10am till 8pm.
We're having a cold snap, though not in comparison to most of you. 19/36 and 22/41. And I have an uncommon (for me) problem that I could use some help with! Due to such cold, I've switched from my normal 95% softwood to burning 95% hardwood, and have a stove that is filling with nice hot coals, but leaving little room to burn splits above. Is that normal for you hardwood pro's? Here are two pieces of Pacific Madrone (Arbutus), a split of Douglas Fir, and two small rounds of Oregon Ash. And Oh boy, oh boy! Isn't that view from Cash's front porch amazing? Wow.