If it’s not punky snag it, it’s already partially split = less labor. The sapwood on oak will sometimes go punky but the heartwood will still be good.
If that's an elm I may pass. It's in a pretty bad spot. If it's hickory I'm going for it. Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk
Looking at the bark in the pic with the slice, I'm thinking hickory, but you'll know when you go to split it. The outer edge looks punky, but it looks pretty solid inside. On the oak, with it being split, it has a head start on seasoning. But I'd be careful with that one, it could be under tension.
Can you knock the bark off. I promise it will split easy if the bark is in the peeling off stage. If it’s Hickory than you have really good firewood.
Some of those pieces sure don't look like any black walnut that we have here, bark wise at least. Others do. Are there a couple different trees that you are showing?
Thats pignut hickory and the meat is still good. Grab that first and split it before it gets too warm and fungi/bugs can get it. Agree with prior posts about the oak.
Sh Hickory for sure either shagbark or pignut. In any event get it all... Welcome to the land of woodenheads! I'm up in Boone County, Kentucky myself. Drop in if ya get up our way!
Looks like good wood. Hickory can be stringy, and that's partially seasoned, which can make it stringier.
Good on the partially seasoned. Moisture meter says 32 percent. Hopefully good by next winter..... Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk
Got the ole lady out for alittle while. 028 AV. It was the first saw I ever ran and it still runs like a top. Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk
My first "real" saw was an 028 super given to me new in 1985 when i was 17. Accidentally ruined by running on raw gas years later. Bought a used one a couple years ago in memory of my late uncle who gave it to me. Run it every couple months. Fond cutting memories. Here's a good link about the 028. The Legendary Stihl 028 Chainsaw - HL Supply Blog