Based on the first pics, I was leaning walnut but the bark doesn’t compute. I will dare to be different and say butternut. The two have had me fooled more than once.
That thought crossed my mind but havent seen one since i was a kid. Its also known as white walnut???
Bought a moisture meter. If it's under 20% next winter it'll burn. Whatever it is. Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk
Up at the top to the left of forums tab is 3 bars. Go to resources. They is a dry chart. Check it out.
Someone just told me black willow tree and the heart wood is mineral stain. Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk
I took willow once by accident not knowing what it was. Willow LOVES a lot of water and will be heavy when fresh cut. Not commonly taken for firewood as it takes a long time to dry, but it burns better than snowballs as is the old saying on here.
Thanks guys I'm going to stack it and see, the works already done. I'm going to go get that broken oak pictured above next week. Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk
Looks like black willow from pictures on the internet. Sounds like it's not a firewood of choice, but it certainly will burn, BTU rating of 17.6 You've already got it cut up and split, can't let that effort go to waste. Burning Willow Firewood
Yes sir... it's not like I hand picked it anyway. We had a pretty good ice storm. As you can see, I don't have a shortage of wood hanging around.. thankful for all of the help.. Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk
Just noticed that the thornless honey was in this pic before it fell.... Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk
I’d cut it up. A little fungus on oak doesn’t bother me. If it’s all soft and punky I’d leave it, but there’s bound to be some solid in it.
The second one is hickory. They can go off (get punky) fast once on the ground, you might want to jump on that one if it's still good.