Looks like honey locust to me as well. Excellent firewood but ideally a multi year drying wood. Get em both CSS (cut split stacked) ASAP. The drying clock countdown starts once its split.
Hang out here for a while and get an education. I thought i knew a lot but have learned a lot more in three years. Some great folks here willing to lend a hand or share their know how.
Welcome! Kentucky is a great place, we went to Noah's Ark last year. I have a friend that lives in Somerset, of course that's a distance from you. If nothing else on the tree id, when the trees leaf out in the spring, look for similar bark and id it.
I scored this walnut last month and split like cake. Heres the link to my thread: Highly Valuable Logs Turned Into Firewood!
I'm getting black walnut, Pignut hickory, swamp maple, all of my local contacts are all different answers. So here I am. Thanks guys I look forward to learning more. Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk
The pith in walnut looks like this. Learned that on here as i have little experience with it myself. Dont know if this varies by region, growing conditions etc.
I use it all the time and it works well, may not be the best ever but I like it. Welcome to FHC! Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I have never seen BW with that much sap wood, nor that light of bark, but i am far from a tree ID expert. If there are trees close by that are similar, as someone else already said, check the leaves.
Honey Locust is 3 year seasoned wood around here, 2 years can work but 3 is better here. Your area may differ. The boring insects like to work it over though.
This one is on the back side of my property. Been like this for two years. It's fixing to be gotten. Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk
I see green leaves, is that an old pic? Definitely oak leaves, and maybe redbud? My first thought was Black Oak, from the orange under bark.
I took this pic a year ago. It's been sitting like this for about two years. I checked yesterday it's still there off the ground. Should be premium by now. Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk
That's what i was thinking. And the dark wood is a bit light, at least compared to walnut around here.