Im in PA. With our stone farmhouse, that $1000.00 worth of oil may get us 6-8 weeks of heat. That was in 2018. Have no idea what cost of oil is now locally. I'll have to ask my dad and sister. With our stove we haven't needed to buy oil in 4 years. We're just above 1/4 tank left, as we do burn oil here and there. Hopefully fall of 2023 is the next time I need oil and last another 5 years. And too me that's still too short of a time span between tank refills.
Ditto to brenndatomu. Could you tell us which heatmaster replaces which Central Boiler & if you’re wood consumption dropped. I have a great interest in this since I’m considering upgrading my current CB 6048 to something a bit more efficient. Thanks.
Usage records from back before we heated with wood. I requested them from our past LP supplier for $$ purposes, as they ended up screwing over my GF before I knew her. She ended up getting a refund for the amount they overcharged her over the years. Anyway, years later I dug back into them and used them to look at usage when I was looking at replacing LP with wood. I created this spreadsheet for that purpose. 200 gallons/month during the winter would be a good month! LOL 12/3/04 to 1/3/05 was 352 gallons. Although it seems you are talking fuel oil, which is a bit different.....more BTU's/gal.
I Wish, that was a “House Payment “ our real estate prices are ridiculous, not Seattle or Californicated bad, but much higher than Many places Doug
Ouch... An electric bill from the dead of winter in 2015, before I bought my house, was $855 for a month. I almost didn't buy the house when I found that out. I always did firewood for camping and the fire pit, and figured I could do it to heat my house. I bought the woodstove before closing on the house. And you guys, fed my addiction even more. I love heating with wood, and wouldn't have it any other way. The only thing I am worried about is when I get too old to do it. I guess I can just buy it by the cord, will still be cheaper than electric, gas or oil.
My wife and I married in 1962 and that was the first time I lived without wood heat. We paid $.11 per gallon.
Not nearly that low but may have been for digging ditches or something. Naturally they were lower than today's wages. It has to be in a capitalistic country and it will continue to go up.
Central Boiler was a 5636 Classic (now called 5036 from what I can tell) and the Heatmaster is a C375 (classified as a coal burner, but I am using it as it was originally designed for wood) Not as efficient as the new gasifiers, but I needed something to still occasionally burn the gnarly chunks and not be as pretty girl (high maintenance). I do plan on to buy a gasifier in the near future for another facility that has a Central Boiler HF36.
My dad told me that his oil price is capped at $3.29. My sister called to see what an estimate for her tank oil tank would be. $800.00. Other sister just had propane tank filled (don't know the size) $1126.00 was $600.00 in december. This is in PA.