I found an echo cs 680 on Facebook for sale. Comes with 3 or 4 chains, an extra bar, and a brand new 24 inch bar on it. Guy is asking $450 for it all. Its only 1 year old and it looks like its been lightly used. Reading some other forums, they say it vibrates a lot. I have a cs 600p already so its not much more power but i will probably need another saw at the rate i use mine and I could use another saw for milling. What are your thoughts? Thanks.
I would take some of the reviews on the other sites with a grain of salt. A lot of those guys are a little more, let's say, enthusiastic, about chainsaw performance and specs then the average wood cutter. That said, I have run a buddy's 680 and I never thought about the vibrations, it didn't seem overly harsh to me. But then again, my big saws are a Jonsereds 801 and 90 so vibration is relative and also I cut wearing mechanics antivibe gloves which is a habit I picked up using air tools and impacts. I was running it with a 24 inch bar bucking sugar maple, white oak, and black locust and it seemed to pull it well even buried, but I'm lazy, I just rest the weight of the saw on the log, pull the trigger, and let a sharp chain do the work. If it truly has been lightly used for one year, I think $450 is a fair price with the extra bar and chains. Depends on what you can get local, too. In my area, 450-500 could get you a 044/440 or a 372, but they would be older and definitely more used. Also, it seems $300 is the floor for a name brand running saw in ~70cc class regardless of condition, so even if you run it a few years and sent it down the road, you'd probably only be out a hundred bucks. If it was me, I'd go meet the person to both check out the saw and the individual. I buy a lot of my used equipment from people like my brother-in-law who has his motor oil in alphabetical order and three-ring binders with the owner's manual and maintenance records for everything he owns rather than just whoever has the cheapest. Paying more up front to a guy who maintains his equipment usually costs less in the long run.
A cs-680 has been my one and only chainsaw from the better part of 12 years. I usually cut between 6-10 cord of logs with it a year. Other than the usual maintenance stuff it’s been trouble free. I wouldn’t say it’s stellar in the weight to power ratio tho.
According to Popular Science it’s the best DIY gas powered saw. Best chainsaw for your DIY or landscaping project
Don’t own one . Have run one . I can’t give an honest opinion as to it stacks up against other 70ish cc saws . But the one I ran didn’t vibrate so badly that I noticed it . And , for 450 …. If it was on my bench, in reasonable shape and offered for that … I’d own an Echo CS680 .
I've ran 4 or 5 tanks through a 680 before. In stock form they do not have the chain speed of a 372 or 044 etc. The echo 680 has an awesome oiler, and a button you can push manually to give the chain even more oil . I was cutting green elm that day and the 680 pulled full comp chain on a 24 inch bar like a champ
I've had a 680 since 2012 iirc. It's a tough little beast and it's been totally trouble free. Oils like crazy.
I’ve run a few of them. I didn’t notice vibrations anymore than any other saw of the era. They aren’t fast but if you don’t abuse it I think they will last forever
They mention the cs590 in that article. They also mention a bunch of other off brand saws, and none of these major brands, aside from the echo. I've found that many articles and "listicles" like this are really just a bunch of trash or advertising.
Can't go wrong with an Echo . I've had a cs-400..cs-590.....still have a cs-271t. They always start and cut ! They are always having the high weight to power thing going on. But who cares !
You don’t want to look at the 6 best chainsaws for Alaskan mills. 6 Best Chainsaws for Milling Lumber 2022 - Top Picks & Reviews
I played with a 600p and it seemed like a nice saw. But I do like the 680 better mostly for the old school design. I also have 2 8000's over 25 years old and still run great. Only ever changed rubber fuel lines. I think you would be happy with a 680 and it will definitely hold up.
Thanks. Just got done talking to a tree service guy I used to work with and he said he'd sell me his for $325.