She held up !! I didn’t go far , across a small creek and up a hill to the wood yard. Obviously would never get on the road with a load like that. Truck didn’t care for that load much , super heavy!
Way to load the trailer and spend the weekend. Did some cutting and splitting here as well. Fantastic weather for this time of year.
I’m jealous! Unfortunately, I had to work the weekend, but was still able to get out to move some splits to storage between shifts. Got three loads moved with at least 1 more left before we get dumped on later this week with a possible storm.
Still got the old pickup, just not abusing it like I used to. I’ll use it for pulling the splitter or running to town for stuff I need a truck for, but that’s about it! Dump truck is amazing! Granted, I made quite the jump going from Sonoma with trailer to the diesel dump truck, but I’m continually amazed at the ability!
Had a busy Sunday. Church at 9, Bible study at 10:15, potluck dinner at 11:15, churches annual meeting at 11:45 which I chaired. I am the VP and the president of the congregation is battling leukemia. Got home at 2. I was exhausted, but the meeting went well.
I remember those days ! I was a youth minister back in the day. My second home was the church for sure.
I love the repurposing of the materials from an old mobile home to build your trailer. You can't beat those axles because most have a 6,ooo lb weight rating. That's all I use for my home built trailers. Nice load.