Fabricobbling that was an Excellent use of spare time and effort. For the Mk-2 model I'd suggest adding wire strippers and a bottle opener. ---Nailer---
Many things are called a "whatchamacallit". That thing deserves a proper name. So let the contest begin; it's just for bragging rights. I'm going with *the be all to end all tool*. That's too many letters for a good acronym. I sure you all can do better.
"Bunch-O-Junk-I-Had-In-My-Tool-Box-Collecting-Dust-&-Rust -Spitz'negled -Together " aka "" a "jigamathing "
Used to work with a guy and he constantly referred to everything as a "goshdarnit" or a Mother-F-'er" As in "Hand me that goshdarnit over there next to the the Mother-F-'er. It became a joke between all of us that worked with Him. His name was Jake. So my suggestion is to name it Jake. Lol ---Nailer---