I am burning drier wood, around 10-13 percent avg. I’m on track to burn 6 cords in a 90s era insert, fireplace furnace that heats the whole house via duct work. Burned 7 Cords two previous years. Right at 19-20 percent moisture. Bought the place 3 years ago. I’ve been trying to get 3 yrs ahead. It’s been hard to get ahead while burning 7 cords a year. I currently have 15 cords stacked. Burning majority oak. Some Hickory.
Wow, 7 cords a year is a lot of wood! We'll finish up our second cord this week. A third cord should get us through April.
First year at this house. But, I'm over 3 cord and don't really care for the brand furnace that is in here. It is a smoke dragon!
The Replacement cost dilemma. The first issue is finding anything like the Burner I have. I have looked for something compatible with the chimney and duct work heat exchanger. The inside of this thing is huge. I have stopped by 3 stove or fireplace stores. They have no clue what it is. I cannot find a manufacturer name anywhere on it. I would love to get something more efficient. I do like the large glass.
I don't have a number, I doubt it's near a facecord though, I have a fireplace insert with cat. And it gets too hot in the family room to run it constantly so below 20-25⁰ is when I'll start it and it's 15 now Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I’ve burnt a little I’ve a cord and a half. Normal amount but a cord of that has been red oak. It been cold enough this month to justify burning higher btu wood. -20 windchills in the morning. I’ll be burning BL for a couple days.
Being from South Central PA like you, I'd say about the same or a little less than normal since we had a warm December too.
That is a really cool looking cookie there on the right side of your stove that looks like a pretzel.
Have you checked the door seal gaskets? If too old and compressed they will allow more air in and wood will burn faster. I used the dollar bill trick. Close the door on a dollar bill and if slides out easily the seal should be replaced. Door gaskets are an easy replace. Be sure to do this when the fire is out!
If the temps for the month of february are like they were last week, I may quickly catch up to my average use.
I bet someone will be along soon who can ID your insert. I grew up with a ducted wood furnace. I think it's a good technology, and I'm surprised it isn't more prevalent. It seems to have largely died after the oil embargo in the late 70s- early 80s. I believe Kuma makes a ducted furnace that would usually go in a basement, but I'm not aware of anyone who makes a ducted fireplace insert. Can anyone lend some knowledge here?
Really warm this year. A bit over 2/3 cord total. I usually stop burning in March at about 2 cords, with a few fires here and there in March and April I’m guessing 1 1/2 at most this year. I’m happy it is working out this way: a friend asked for some firewood for a friend of hers who is 79. I told her to tell him I’ll keep him supplied as long as my body holds out. Splitting is good exercise and I’m not burning enough to have to do much splitting now that my stacks are Full (I’m on about the 6 year plan at this point) I’m fortunate to have plenty of land with trees and so far, solid health to be able to do it.
I'll burn more this season than ever before. Normally I burn around 3.5 cords. I've burned 2.5 so far. We had an unusually potent cold stretch around xmas and new years that consumed a lot of wood. And my first fire of the season was a month early on September 1st.
I don't know, can't say, my stove burns wood. (that is my useless Amazon product review comment imitation) Actually I think I'm right on track, I think I will go through about 2.5 cords this season.
First part of winter here was pretty mild. But… the last few weeks have been very cold and often times with wind. Overall I’d estimate I’m burning about normal amounts of wood when it’s averaged out. But this latest cold snap is supposed to last for a bit so that could definitely change things.