Narcissists chasing youtube dollars by having a camera pointed at themselves. Far too often spewing pure nonsense.
I do too. It's difficult for me to get to Dennis' GTG without going through Illinois. The ferry's are not running at that time of the year, and the diversion to pick up yooperdave is a lot of extra time and miles.
I see this guy around all the time, he should change from Hotass to azzhat. Never knew he had a YT channel.
We all know pine is fine. Well, most of us anyway. There are a lot of people out there who think it is going to burn their house down. If I were selling wood and had plenty of hardwood, I’m not sure I would bother trying to educate the ignorant. I think I’d just say, yep, 100% hardwood. Happy to try to educate people about pine since I’m not trying to sell anything. But if I’m selling wood, my business is to sell wood. If people want hardwood and I’ve got hardwood, guess what I’m selling? As far as the bar oil thing, again, it’s marketing. To be honest, if I’m cutting specific cooking wood, I’d rather use vegetable oil than bar oil. Not that I do, but if I were selling cooking wood, you bet I would. If I was using a carbide saw firewood processor, you bet I would tell my customers about it. Probably doesn’t matter at all, but a huge portion of our population is afraid of “chemicals”. If I can get a premium catering to the neurotic, you bet I would. I’m telling them the truth: I don’t use bar oil. Up to the customer to decide if they care. If putting “gluten-free, non-GMO” on the label lets me charge double for my bottled water, guess who is developing a “gluten-free, non-GMO” water product line? If people want to pay 3x as much for an “organic” carrot, or a “free-range” chicken, it’s their money. As long as there are people ignorant enough to pay the stupid tax, there are people who are going to collect it. And he never said oil on the wood causes breast cancer. He said people use the wood and get breast cancer and wonder if. And people do.
Do we want to even start the conversation about heavy metal (Cobalt) leaching from carbide? THAT Will cause some cancer!
Well...i gotta die from certainly won't be from starvation! ... might as well be from eating bbq... or campfire smoke...Or running chainsaws....Or breathing pvc pipe glue.... I do know it won't be from a vaxxine...
It’s just a gimmick this guy uses to try and compete with his competitors. Makes it sound like his competitors will give you cancer and his won’t. It’s fear manipulation. It’s just a load of sales BS. Not any different than the organic farmers who try to compete with the big business farmers by implying that you’ll get cancer if you buy the other guys vegetables. Wash them off and you’ll be just fine. But that way it justifies the higher price.