New something didn't look right from the kitchen window down back in the woods. Took a ride down and found this. I picked this tree because of size and was alive when I put the stand up several years ago. The tree never had signs of ash borer and I always had to trim green shoots off before hunting. About a year after I had the stand up it was struck by lightning. 3rd tree in a 25 yard area that had been struck. Talking to the neighbor that owns the property Saturday to see if I can cut it up.
One of the oaks I cut down this fall I had noted was struck by lightning 2 years ago. Wonder why it doesn't hit that tower first, I'm sure it's much higher.
Is the stand still useable? Last year I had a BL fall and side swipe my one tree stand. Luckily it slid down the side and missed the platform. Not sure what I would of done if I was in it when it fell. Probably change my shorts for one!
The only thing busted was the ratchet strap at the top. Another foot to the left and I'd be taking it to the scrap yard.
Another reason I need to get my scaffolding stand/ hut built. I've got a similar stand like this, and they work, but falling over because the tree falls over is a possibility. That and, I'm done with getting rained/ snowed on while hunting. I want a heater and a roof with some wind protection.
Those wants and needs are more reinforced the older ya get. I had one with all the amenities at dad's farm years ago. My buddies couldn't believe I could get deer while the aroma of hot coffee cooking on my stove /heater was wafting through the woods.
Got the ok from the landowner to cut up the ash tree and also a few more that came down in the woods. Got almost 5 full buckets out of it.
It works great for the bigger stuff. Usually the 462 or the 400 gets the call. Have used the 261 in a pinch but a bit slower.
I think he's given up on heating with wood this year. Said it's cheaper to use the furnace then buy wood every other week. Big changes for him next year. There will be a new modern stove and we're starting on his wood for next year this week.
I couldn't "like" the first post since you lost your tree stand. Glad you can use it again! That's some nice firewood out of a bad situation. Gotta "like" that! Do you have a new tree picked out for the stand? Brad
My son in law and daughter pull all of their stands and go over them with a fine toothed comb. Son in law had a ladder stand collapse and they don't leave them out all year any more. They wire brush and paint all rust spots and if in doubt, they cut them up and throw them away. So please check it over carefully before using it again.
Gonna go over it and check all the welds. This is the oldest of the 4 stands we have out. Prolly hit it with the wire wheel on the angle grinder and give it a new coat of camo paint.