Yeah. I think the title should be "best occasional use" saws or something, since only 2 of the 4 "major" brands made the list.
Oh you made me click. I wanted to see a Pou-lon wild Thang on the list. Nope, not there. Then I saw there were no Stihls on the list. Hmm....something smells fishy. Then there are lots of electric and battery, and then some weird names. So I had to go to the bottom and see a pic of who wrote it....fully expecting a "male" with a man bun. But oh no, I had to click on her name. Almost as good as a dude with a man bun.....
I ain’t reading that… but do tell, was there a link to a “how to” for sharpening your manbun chainsaw blade…?
That's quite the comprehensive website. Stihl must be taking this as a new low not even making this list.