I'm looking at the plethora of ultrasonic cleaners that are available mainly the 30 litre, 8 gallon size. Any of them any good ? Can't justify a USA one from a cost stand point.
I have an Amazon $90 jobby for about a year. 6 Gallon I think. It’s been fine. I’m very interested in what others use as a cleaning agent. I’ve been using a cup or two of simple green concentrate. I think between the cleaner and the right solution you’ll get the best results. I was looking for something I wouldn’t worry about pouring down the slop sink.
I use krud cutter, Dawn, kroil, acetone, mineral spirits, trichloroethylene, sodium hydroxide and goof off pretty regularly. In the cleaner itself I use plain water and the parts and cleaning agent get put in containers. ziplock bags, Tupperware, peanut butter type jars ect work great. Very little cleaning fluid is used and the machine stays clean. Also the longer the water is hammered the denser it gets. Hot Kroil in the ultrasound can really free up rusted stuck stuff.
I do the same for my small items, you are better off using glass or stainless containers for that. Plastic will absorb some of the sonic frequencies. I have a 39L tank. Will float a stainless bowl with carbs or other such small stuffs.
Do you have a recommendation for a brand and source for the cleaner itself ? I was thinking about the 8 gallon size if not bigger. Don't want a POS and can't justify a real USA one. Although I'd be happy probably happier with a used USA one at a reasonable price.
The unit I have was built in Ca. My Pops worked with this Co to design and set process for smoke restorations. Unfortunately my Dad is in failing health. I cannot even pick his noodle about this any longer. Thankfully I was able to glean some of his knowledge on this process.
Well I picked up a 30 litre one from a guy that peddles them on craigslist. I just finished doing 6 complete sets of R8 collets in one shot. I'm impressed but also depressed. Machine kicks butt... awesome !! Depressed because it's just another example of the Chinese taking away production from the USA. I was looking at a used USA one and at least one transducer was bad and a transducer alone was over one and a half times the cost. Thanks Redfin for the recommendation for using glass/stainless for containers. It does make a difference. It sure gets hot !! Think I might sous vide a lunch sometime. Ultrasonic marinade ?
What is your name Fella? Mines John, one other little tidbit, using a flammable cleaner in a US is not advised. The heat, along with the sonics will lower the flash point in some solvents. Just an fyi.
I just have a little one from harbor freight. It cleans stuff pretty ok. It is a good idea to use some silicon gel and seal the top section against water leaks. I am surprised to hear about an 8 gallon size from the other comments, that would be the way to go. I think people use simple green as a detergent. I just use any soap that I have on hand. Dish soap, old hand soap, bath gel... just something to cut the oil. If my bolt set smells like vanilla musk, no problems here.
So far I've been very impressed with the 30 litre, 8 gallon one i bought. For $300 it seems to work great and if it holds up will easily recover its cost. Time will tell though.