Balmy +7f here at 4:30. Loaded the stove with a couple of big splits, ash and I think mulberry. After Lefty's fire (not stove related), I'm having very cold feet about our stove. Thinking I may bite the bullet and have a chimney sweep come in this spring and make sure everything is 100%.
Happy new year everyone. Not been on for months seam to be lacking mojo in a lot of things . still burning whatever’s free and pallet wood in my sauna Edit Forgot to add Leeds Uk
As the morning moves on we like to get colder…. But it will be good to harden up the top of the ground. CAT coming out this morning!
20* this AM. Firmed up the mud and we sure needed that. Haven't made it out to the boiler yet, but there should still be plenty of cherry and hickory on there from yesterday.
30 degree's this AM with a wind chill feel of 22. Threw in a piece of shagbark I been saving last night. Woke to 73 and at least a 5-6" bed of coals. Predicting some white stuff today and a low of 19 tonight. I can finally open the stove draft a little!
I find myself making more smaller pieces of firewood for my better half to feed the fire while I'm gone at work. But mostly, I like the big splits when I can. Smaller stuff is top of stove stuffers and then there's ugly chunks that the wife usually doesn't have an issue with loading in the stove, as long as I make sure they are 17" at most. I also will process wood down to 2" branches. I split branch pieces down to like 3" to help with drying. At bare minimum it's great to start the stove with. It got as low as 5° here last night. Lots of great coals just now when I rechooched. 10° out now, ash and a piece of fir to mix it up in the stove.
Furnace is below our bed and we like to sleep cool. Anything warmer than 67 F at bed time is too hot and around 60 in the morning is ideal. 54 F in the morning requires an extra layer but we sleep better at 55 than 70.
A bit of American Elm & Mulberry going in today to burn down some coals, upper 20’s for today. No reason to get too carried away it’s 75* in the living room. Mama & I are recovering from an intestinal bug/flu over the weekend. It seems to be making the rounds.
It is warming from -22f yesterday morning, and mid -3os up north. It was 7f when I got up today. Just loaded the stove with some birch after coming in from setting my spear house out on the lakw. The pike were really running. So we will have fish for supper, and I put up some meat for the pressure canner after season’s end. How is your ice shaping up there yooperdave? Hopefully the snow load isn’t causing any flooding issues for the ice fishers. It is not a problem here at this point. Both were around 30” . Anyways thought I would show you all our friend’s stone and masonry mass heater. We enjoyed New Year’s Eve in their nice warm home with them in a well below zero temperature outside. They built their home around it. The mass extends through the second floor to the upstairs ceiling. He builds two or three big fires a day to keep it up to the required temperature to heat the house. It has a large firebox. He is the first to admit that the glass could use a good cleaning!
25 here, heading down to the upper teens by dawn. I just laid a piece of hemlock down on some black birch coals, and finished it off with some more birch on top.
The ice appears to be in great condition judging from the ice fishing traffic every day.... ATVs, UTVs, and snowmobiles all dragging sleds. And then there are those high speed crotch rockets. But at least (so far) they have enough sense to stay towards the center of the lake for their time trials!!!!
Seriously??? They run rotch crockets on the ice ? Seems like a waste of tires to stud up a set of those tires. Or am I all wet & am misinterpreting what you are saying?
That's how us old timers refer to those high performance snowmobiles. You know....those new fangled ones capable of speeds over 35pmh?
It’s 8f right now with a whipping wind as well . I got some ash and locust right now. Gotta crank it overnight supposed to get our 1st taste of snow this Friday see what happens. Stay warm fhc fam