That 262xp was my first ported saw ,I now also have a 572xpg that is ported. Those two are my most favorite saws to I said before the power to weight ratio is impressive . A ported 60cc saw will almost keep up with a stock 70cc saw and it is lighter.
Got a 350 that has been ported, including .040" off the base and transfers raised. Squish right at .020. Flat top Meteor piston. Muffler mod. 357 carb and intake. Not a pro saw by any standard, but what a hoot to run! Pulls like a drag bike! 242/346 would be a cool saw IMHO. Older I get, the more I like lighter saws.
Bought three 268 "parts saws" awhile back. All 3 seem to have good P&C. If I ever get time, I'm gonna get one going and have it ported. Ive heard they were underrated because of the 272/372.
Only saw I've fully ported (due to the removable transfer covers) was the Jonsered version which I turned black. I have a 199 waiting to go in it and I'd like to bump timing as well. They are definitely light.
You cant go wrong with a 262. Ive owned and built iirc 5 of them. They just run so well and have sold all of them. I knew I wanted one to keep so I had my buddy Doc Al build me one. It will never leave.
Yeah, timing advanced as well. Filed off about half the key. Transfers were taken up so high that theres JB weld to allow for it. Holding up so far. Blowdown on this one is about 70 degrees. The guy that ported this one for me just wanted to see what it could do. I'm glad he did. Its my first choice when I want to buck a lot of wood fast. Also good for felling anything around 18". Good control, and power when you need it.