If you had to choose between a 262 or 254 which would you pick? Both are in really good condition. Would you prefer owning a rough looking 300 anniversary 266 to the 262 and 254? The 262 has a tri port muffler but looks lightly used. Would the tri port muffler concern you? What year did the 3 series become strato?
Hello. I had a 254 for 20 years, and all I did was change fuel line one time on all this years. I run the LGX chain and BPX oregon chains 0,325 on it. All saws you are mention are good, But they are getting old. Pick the one that You can find spareparts easy. Regards Bjorn
Buy them both, then have someone blindfold you and then set them on the bench. Then, you point at one, and that becomes your saw, the other one you sell to me!
Not all 3 series are strato. If you see XTorq, that's the designation (2010 I believe). In fact there's only a few that I'm aware of that are strato. Most new 365's (minus specials) and new edition 372's. I think all the 4xx series are strato. Just my preference, I'd take the 262. I ran a ported one once and it was pretty strong for its size/weight.
Yep I went last night. I’ll test run them first. I didn’t know if one was more desirable, durable, or infamous than the others. Bjorn brought up a good point about nla parts. I encountered that with the 242 and had to order a top end kit from Poland.
If the 266XP was as cherry as the other two, that would be my choice, but then, a 266 was my first Good saw, and I have never owned or run, either a 254 or 262, but I have heard that both are very desirable saws to have Another consideration is which fits your collection/needs/uses Best? Would a 60cc class saw, or 50cc class saw fit your needs best, it doesn’t sound like you can go wrong with either Doug
I’m not the Husqvarna guru that I wish I was, but I believe the 262 has more parts in common with other saws as they have the same chassis
I think the 262 is a little bit more of an oddball. 261,257 and 254 are compatible or in the same family I think.
They are all built on the same chassis. The difference between 261 and 262 is 261 has a dished piston and a 2 shoe clutch compared to flat piston and 3 shoe on 262.
walt is a 262 fan... he might chime in and add something worthwhile too, Chud. I had a 266SE and that say was a dream to run.
Sh!t happens. I sold it back to the member here coho first sold it to me. But I tell ya’s... that saw was a torque monster with a sound akin to a Husqvarna dirt bike. So badazz...
I like 30+ yr old saws that are in good condition, or like new. A lot of saws have been run by cabbages and treated poorly. Just think about the saws that get run over daily. I saw a 572 last night that looked like it had been crushed by a 2 ton loaded with logs. He’s got 3 full wrap 395’s. 2 are 2000 models and one of them looks like it has never been used. He said a guy cut with it once and sold it. Some day my wife or kids will sell my like new saws for peanuts and some guy will share on a forum about a killer deal he got on old Stihls and Husqvarnas in mint condition.
All three of the saws you mentioned are good firewood saws . I have had my 254 xp for many years and it was my only saw for maybe ten years or so , great saw . Bout five or six years ago I purchased a ported 262 xp from Redfin when I was at a GTG in PA. A couple years back I picked up a stock 262. A year ago I got a 266xp . The 254 spends most of its time on the shelf but the 262s get regular work outs I like the power to weight ratio. The 266 is a good runner it is able to wear large mount Husky bars so I can put a 24" bar if I want but I would rather have a 372 or 572 for that . Probably ought to buy all three if you can
That’s possible on the 3-5 year plan. I don’t think he has any other customers after those saws. I’d say the guy is a saw hoarder with more input than output. It can also be difficult to get a hoarder to let go of some hoard.
Yes that is the saw and that is me taken her for a test drive ,and she still runs that good.when I go to a group wood cutting she still turns heads