-22°F Winds calm Fire killed white spruce in woodstove. I should have plowed a couple days ago. It's not impassable but it's not pretty either.
I just really love the look of a well plowed road / yard / driveway. The problem is, I can cut boards and bang nails . Or I can plow snow. Can't do both at once and both take a bunch of time. 2 to 3 hours of plow time.
As an HVAC technician, I need it to get colder. So stuff breaks down. Currently about 30'F out, and just throwing mostly Cottonwood in the wood burner. But I need to just let it cool off so that I can get the ashes out. It's got almost 2 inches of ash in the bottom of it
Currently 45 but somehow feels colder. I’m using up some small skinny splits of red oak and chestnut oak.
39F here, breezy yet, but clear out. Decent night, Ash & Elm in the boiler. Some 50+ temps the next few days to really soften up the ground.
32 out, filled the OWB with maple and oak last night, didn't fill it this morning. Just loaded it up with basswood and maple.
I consider 2" to be the minimum I leave in the stove when I clean the ashes out. It takes about a week of burning aspen/ popple to build the packed ash up to 5" from 2" That's a terrible pic. Lemme go get a better one
Kinda shorts and uglies. U guys call that shoulder season wood don't u. Stove is due to have about 3 gallons of ashes shoveled out tomorrow. I threw on a couple small rounds of seasoned but not dry white birch on top of that. In another hour . I will top it off full of dry balsam poplar. Moon is out and bright. So the weather guesser's may miss the morning low by a bit.
That's better. Current temp. A mix of , the face of a white spruce I clum and took down from the top this past May. A couple pieces of white birch that is dead but not dry and two small rounds of dry balsom poplar.
29 first time I had to scrape frost off the windshield. Chestnut, red and white oak burning. Back to the 70’s later this week.
28 degrees outside at 6:30am. I've been up for a couple hours and may have put too much wood in the stove as the indoor temperature is almost 80 degrees. Burning small 3" splits of red oak.
This morning. Current Have some dry balsam poplar in the stove. House was 40 when I got up. Going up past55 atm and climbing. My neighbor called to check on us. Which is nice. The coldest they had @his place was -52 earlier in the morning.
It bumped down to 49 but was too busy to snap a pic. Now it is rising. Got a surprise Christmas present delivery for my wife. Had the doors wide open to bring it in. Consequently the house cooled off quite a bit again. Got it back up to the mid 60s now. Have to be careful not to overdo it on the draft of the stove . It gets to glowing.