It was a nice idea...but with my schedule here lately, that trip just wasn't happening Oh well, plenty of score to be had more locally that will wait for me! Thanks for the heads up though!
I grew up on slab wood. My dad and my grandfather would get it by the bundle each year. My grandfather burned it as a supplement in an old wood fired cook stove that had been relegated to the basement to heat the floors. We had an early forced air wood furnace. Anyways, dad didn't have time to scrounge or even cut and drop on my grandfather's property and grandfather was too old. So, slab wood it was. We bought an old slab wood saw that worked like a chop saw. Difference was, the platform with the wood moved instead of the blade. It was powered by an even older Wisconsin engine mounted on a couple of oil soaked 6x6's. A belt was run between them and you just set them apart to get tension. Two kids feeding, dad running the saw and mom tossing the cuts into the trailer or a pile. As kids, it was work. Now it's a great memory...
My brother still has a saw like that...only the engine has been updated to a more modern Vtwin IIRC...just a couple years back they used it for a monster pile of slabwood (semi load I think it was) for my sister so she could get ahead for once...which I could never understand how with 3 tall strong 20 something to teenage sons, there would ever be a firewood shortage
That's the kind of load we used to get Dave. I think we got 6 or seven bundles each year. I can't remember the dimensions since it was 40 years ago but they were big and held together with metal straps.
1850 Pottstown Pike Glenmoore Pa Look for the sign !!lets see gas is @3.75 a gallon road trip from conn would be how much ?? better bring a big truck JB
I got a picture today I had a little time I was heading out the drive to make a delivery this morning and I was waiting on traffic that is my slabwood pile and one of my firewood log piles I am really far behind on processing JB