I occasionally go to the local compost center for brush runs and when i bring recycling in. Ive got to know the two guys that run it. One is a Stihl guy and sells firewood so we often chat. Made a brush run on Thursday and always check out to whats there to grab log wise if i have time. One guy asks if i say any logs i like to which i replied yes but they were buried. He had me show him. Some red cedar for milling. Tells me to come back Friday and he'll dig them out. I was shocked. He drops them on a retaining wall. I back up and he helps me load. Off loaded at buzz-saw's to be milled when the time comes. On the way out this load pulls in and he says if i want some, take it! Bad thing to say to a hoarder. I didnt take any, but he has says i can cut there. Knowing what cedar looks like he will put it aside for me. The other guy knows black locust so that as well. They start on Winter hours three days a week next week and shut down in mid January so i may cut a load or two before then.
I gave him a $15 Dunkin donuts card even though he refused at first. Regift that was collecting dust in my PU. He said doing what he did breaks up the monotony of the day and less for him to grind. He runs the machines while the other guy collects money and directs traffic. Unfortunately the area where id park to cut has a 6" deep puddle in the commercial dumping area. The homeowner side has minimal firewood logs.
Some nice logs there! buzz-saw he's got a connection with a loader guy, here comes that 5 cord of mill logs
Thats funny. When we were loading i hopped into the bed and unhooked the hinged ladder rack. He saw this and said he still wouldnt be able to safely load logs with the bucket grapple.
Congrats on the relationship you have there Brad. It is true what they have told you, it does cut down on how much of it they will grind up. So good for you and good for them.
I keep telling my students, it isn't what you know but who you know that gets you through life most times. Good for you, they realize you are serious and a decent guy to be around. Great contacts, may not have to do dicey road side cuts anymore.
The guy in charge of the local tree dump allows me and my brother to bring in our own equipment and load out what we want...he says take it all, less to pay to grind up! There's too much pine there to take all of it...some nice beech, ash, and maple there now though...
Always good when you make a new connection. I just got into a new fence line and as long as it's dry and not too much snow it should keep me quite satisfied.