Dont know how true this is, but there's a guy on youtube who put fireworks in his firewood for thieves
I mean a Mr Cool mini split is probably a way smarter way to save money as opposed to installing a wood stove and thinking burning wood is free or easy.
About being ahead of the curve, in another aspect, we're 1.5 years in and the curve was cemented and we're in front of that big arch that won't flatten without for life!
I've started scrounging for next winter, or the next next Winters wood. Someone dropped off a 24" diameter red oak log 10 foot long at the green waste recycle last week. Lucky for me I had a chocker chain and key hole link stuck on an anchor shackle to drag it out of the pile. I had 2 older guys stop buy and visit checking out my skidding setup behind my truck. Log has nails in it, and it's way to wet to burn this year. But the price was right. Free, with a mild chain resharpening. I've got 2 more cords than what I used last year and working on the 3rd cord. It's hard to get the 3 year plan done when I'm only home one week a month.
Dennis, I put word out and a "neighbor" will split with me! I just need to find out where he lives, our neighborhood is like 10 sq miles and on different sides of the lake....., and find out from the Wood Seller.
This neighbor works, and lives on the other side of the lake in the gated community, so asked him to call to ask 1-delivery to 2 homes (I'd assume a charge for that since it will take longer, this guy is not "just down the street"), 2- if we can pay by check, and 3 to schedule at his convenience since I'm home most the time Cool!
The $20 for two cord cutting permit isn’t looking too bad now. That will nearly get me through a year here. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk