Tree service guy texted me Friday and said he had a Honey Locust for me. Picked it up Saturday, one big load and a second load of some chunky stuff. Love the easy pick up but end up with a lot of chunky stuff. Hard to be picky so I’ll take the good with the bad. Should end up with a cord of nice stuff and a lot of chunky campfire wood.
Some nice stuff there sir! Looks like the hybrid thornless too which is a plus in my book. Id love to score more of that myself. Only a yard tree here and scare scrounge for me.
I was thinking that same thing as Backwoods Savage I’d save as much locust as possible even the chunks and uglys . I have much lesser wood for the fire pit.
Give that about 3 years and it should be great firewood. Also save the chunks for the stove, that's high BTU wood.
I'm with everyone else on this one. I'll usually use chunks in campfire or give them away, but not Locust or White Oak. Too much heat in them. Nice score!