Does anybody know where I can get a bar for my Husqvarna Rancher 450. Most bars that are .325 pitch and 20" but do not say 80 links.
Husqvarna part number 596199780. One place you can get it is: Husqvarna 596199780 - 20 Bar Xf 325pix 050 80dl Sm You might find it cheaper elsewhere.
The nearest Oregon bar is 78 link, not 80. You could re-sell the 80 link chains that you have and then buy a matching bar and chain combo from Oregon? Or the Husqvarna bar that I mentioned above would match your saw. Link to Oregon Part Finder: Part Finder Results | Oregon Products
Honestly I think your cheapest/easiest option is to get those 2 chains resized and buy the bar you have available. A saw shop won’t charge an arm and a leg to do it.
Try this..... For some reason I cant post a link. Go to Amazon, enter "Husqvarna 596199780". Zoom in on picture.... .325/.050/80dl/20"/Husky small mount. In stock, free shipping, $47.53 It's the part number recommended a few posts above. I'm sure your local Husqvarna dealer can get you just about anything you need too. I'm curious, what bar came with the saw, the OEM bars have all the required chain info stamped on them. Good luck
Also, if you're sure the 450 Rancher you have takes a .325 chain, and you have 72 drive link chains (.325/.050/72dl)... Then you can use the Husqvarna 508 92 61-72 bar. That's what came on my 450. It's an 18" bar.... here's what's stamped on it.... This bar is at Amazon for about $48..... in stock.... Again, good luck.
Ok, I am thoroughly confused. I ordered a Husqvarna 596199780 x-force bar and used it with my new chain. It felt like it went on well but then locked up on me after a few minutes of use. It felt like the chain was tight in the bar grove. I put my old bar on and (Husqvarna 508926180) and it works fine. Any idea why the new bar does not work for me? My saw is a Rancher 450 20". The chain I am using is Husqvarna 581643604 X-Cut SP33G 20" Chainsaw Chain, 050 GA 80 Drive Links
It appears that the chain and bar are both .325/0.050/80 dl... So, how tight did you have the chin? Is your bar oiler working? You have bar oil in the saw, right? If, when the saw cools off, you can run it for a minute, then hold the tip near some cardboard and run the saw near wide open and see if the chain slings oil onto the cardboard... no oil on cardboard might mean you oiler's not working right
A lot of chain tension issues are solved by putting a block of wood under the bar nose while adjusting the chain tension and tightening the bar nuts. It can make a difference, and is mentioned in many Husqvarna owners manuals. Unless Husqvarna has changed vendors, as far as I know, Oregon produces Husqvarna Bars 42” and smaller. The selection of Husqvarna saws has gotten smaller, but Lowe’s still has pretty good stock on Husqvarna Bars, Chains, Oil etc. in my area Doug
The problem has been solved. It was a combination of a chain that was too tight and a plugged oiler hole. thanks for all the great advice!
Hey Paul I do not get time always to check in on the site so I got in on your problem if you have any future problems I always stock most bars for husky ,stihl .old homelite,and others I am currently working on getting frostbite bars in stock also sorry I am a little late to your post glad you got back up and running JB
I was in Lowe's today and saw 3 or 4 of the 20" 80dl bars. They also had this size bar on the 450s and 545s that they had.