I have been thinking about getting some lifting tongs for grabbing firewood splits, etc. I have trouble (always have) bending over low to pick something up laying on the ground. I see there are several models out there ranging from 20 to 50 dollars with mixed reviews. Do you use them? Have a favorite model or brand? I see several reviews complain about the rubber handles slipping off, etc. I hate buying useless junk but am looking for an aid to picking up firewood off the ground, when loading out.
Lastmohecken I have and use the Husky tongs. They work great. I bought the 12 inch ones. Good idea to get two of them so you can keep balanced while using them
The husky tongs with Dennis’ patented extra tip modification is on my bucket list. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't use tongs. I use a Logrite 30" hookaroon instead. Gets the job done and doesn't take long to get used to sticking a log/split, lifting it, and release it all with one hand. I like this particular hookaroon because the tip is nice and sharp and grabs super well if you swing it with a little force but then releases very easily when you want it to. I replaced the foam grip with a tennis grip with a strip so that I know which way the tip is pointed. That's the only drawback I see to the round handle instead of oblong.
I may try one of the Husky's. I have a homemade pickaroon/hookaroom that I used a lot last year, and they work pretty good on lots of species but I have found that some wood, is hard to stick with it. Which is why I am thinking a about some lifting tongs. I went to Tractor Supply, but they did not have any. May have to order online.
Sometimes on hard stuff like pin oak or beech you really have to whack at it but it also helps to keep the hookaroon sharp.......Speaking of which I will sharpen mine tomorrow. The barb on the the tip is important. It helps with that initial bite and hold. Sometimes I will stick a split or log on the bark but usually I go for the end grain. Here's a better pic of the tip.
I modified mine today actually. I measured it and it is 31 1/2” long. With electrical tape wrapped at the rough middle, I have a 16” firewood marker. Tryed it today after stealing the purple sidewalk chalk from grandkids coloring box. Lay the pickaroon down and mark middle and end down a log with the purple chalk made short work of marking. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have the 8" and 12". Mine are Husqvarna's and I wouldn't fire wood without them. Last two pics are my brothers Bahco tongs and they good ones, too. Sent from my SM-G930VL using Tapatalk
I have a couple pairs of the husky tongs that work great , here is a picture of a pair i modified for use at the splitter. The second point really helps keeping the split level without it being perfectly centered on the log. This helps with holding a smaller log in the center of the 4 way wedge.
Yes sir that is correct. The problem I was having was when I used the 4 way wedge. If I had a smaller piece of wood ( lets say 8 inches or so ) and I just let it sit on the beam I would get two larger splits and two smaller because the log wasn't centered on the wings of the 4 way. I tried to use standard log tongs but then the problem was if the log was not perfectly centered and balanced on the two points it was hard to line it up and keep it level. Thought that this might work and gave it a try and it was a success. Log no longer has to be perfectly centered and it just sort of rests on the 4 points like a cradle.
Tongs, I have 8 pairs of them. The grandkids have their own this way. 9 pair because I put a pair inside the woodshed to use when feeding the OWB. They keep your gloves dry/hands warmer and with two of them I can carry two pieces larger than I could with only hands. Less stress, fun to learn to "throw" wood with them. A true must have set of tools at my farm.
I’ve had good luck with these. I don’t know if it will solve the bending requirement but makes moving rounds and splits a lot easier for me. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I was gifted two of these from Chvymn99 from the FHC secret santa last year. Ive never owned tongs. They are good for up to 10" rounds. Ive never tried them for lifting splits
I do like them a lot but forget to take them with me and/or forget to use them when i do! Old habits die hard i guess?
I ended up getting one of the 12" Husky's. I like it, seems to work fine. I will play around with it for a while and might get a second one, later.