Welcome to FHC. You'll like it here. We have a bunch of great people who are very knowledgeable and willing to share. We like beer, dogs and pics. Lots of pics. Nice looking shed and I like your cart. Up at the top to the right of forum. You'll find resources if you tap the 3 lines. All sorts of goodies in there.
Thanks, Chazs. Yes, seems like a good bunch on this site. The cart in the pic is from HarborFreight. I wish I got a bigger one now that I'm using it for wood. When I bought it, I was only planning on using it for lawnmower, generator, and snowblower. It's only 48"x40", I think.
Welcome to this wild and wacky forum! Haven't been here long nor as active but they are for sure genuine and good people here. If you are only going to burn wood when home in the evenings, I wouldn't worry about the water freezing unless you are in an abnormal arctic blast for days and winds. Using it only in the evenings the embers will cool enough by early morning hours that your boiler will be cooking some water. Now if you are working from home and running the stove 24/7, you might want to check with a buddy that knows heating systems.
What make and model of stove do you have? Probably ought to post a pic or two Welcome to the group. Good place for info. Great place for a occasional laugh as well.
Hello PatrickNY. Welcome to our fantastic group that is built of very knowledgeable wood hoarders that are always ready to help with any questions you may have. Very Nice Wood Shed by the way. Yep, it's too late, your addicted and there is no known cure.
Looks possibly like a Enerzone Solution 3.4. If so it's a 3.7 cu ft firebox. Good sized stove! There should be a tag on the backside that would tell you the exact model info etc. If you care to verify and possibly look up the owners manual online if you didn't get the original.
Welcome to the FHC PatrickNY I also have a boiler and a woodstove never had frozen pipe problem. Heating zones are set to 50 and house never gets that cold.. oh and you can “tag” people by putting an @ in front of their name
Welcome! I always kept the fire extinguisher right by the stove as well. Until someone pointed out that if there was a fire that needed extinguishing happens it will be by the stove(most likely) and my extinguisher would be inaccessible. This could be obvious but I am glad someone pointed it out to me.
Yes it's best to keep fire extinguishers at your exits that way if you go to attack the fire you'll have an exit behind you, not between you and the fire, should the fire get out of hand.
Howdy and Welcome Patrick from NY! It was around this time last year I found my people. Has anyone asked what kind of saw/s you are using? The firewood hoarding can ignite saw acquisition disorder too. Running different saws and cutting up logs is my favorite firewood activity.
Hey, Chud! Thanks. For the most part, I've just been picking up cut up pieces of downed trees that people are looking to part with. I do have a Stihl MS170, (I think), but for the most part, I've just been splitting the wood with a maul, an axe, and some splitting wedges. So far, I'm still enjoying splitting by hand, in a few yrs, I may buy a splitter. We shall see...
Welcome sir.By the looks of your wood your getting off to a good start.I'm on the side of your neighbors who said you'll need an additional shed.Nice stove ever consider putting in a pipe damper to produce a longer heat time ? Be well.
I had that exact combo purchased from Home Depot about 15 years ago. I broke the maul when hammering on it because I didn't know what I was doing. I think you'll really enjoy using a Fiskars X27 splitting maul. I like the handle on it so much better than those yellow ones. The yellow ones are way to soft and slipper. The fiskars, while composite, is stiff as heck and feels so much better when you strike wood. Same goes for the sledge although on the Fiskars sledge the handle is a bit softer to absorb the impact (their Isocore handle). While I have a 34-ton splitter I do most of my splitting by hand.
Thanks, Rich. And yes, I know I'll need more storage space. I think I'm going to just make a couple of simple racks with cinder blocks and 2x4's, and then I'll cover them with a tarp of some kind. ...as for the damper, I'll have to research that. I'm not familiar with that...
LordOTF, I have a Fiskars axe that my neighbor gave me when her husband passed away, but it's a small one, but very sharp. I wouldn't think of using it for splitting since it doesn't seem thick enough. But, I looked up the X27, and I do like that handle better than the straight handle.
The small one that is sharp is their chopping axe. I have one as well and use it occasionally but my two go-to axes are the x27 and the Hachas Juaregi.
X2. Years back i loaded the stove and fell asleep with draft fully open and the stove packed. Woke up half our later to a blazing stove and 80* upstairs. Windows opened as it was way too hot. Kept the door closed after that.