When determining your heating area, do you include your upstairs if it is open to the wood stove heat through an open loft? My main floor area is 1,800 SF. The lofted second floor is another 1,000 SF.
Also, the stove will be placed on an existing fireplace hearth at the north end of the house. I live in Northern MN. Also, trying to determine stove brand. Hearth Depth (to face) = 20” Lintel Height = 30,25” Fireplace opening Width = 31.75”
Welcome to the FHC Lowbid Yes you should count the loft. A woodstove really doesn’t care about square feet. All heaters heat cubic feet of space. Meaning a home with 12 foot high ceilings is going to to require more BTU’s to heat than same house with 8 foot ceilings. looks like you will require an insert for that type of installation. How’s home insulated? Do you have dry wood?
A freestanding wood stove should work with a rear vent. I plan to install an insulated liner. 8 full Cord of birch firewood stacked, second summer drying.
My previous home had 11' ceilings and a taller cathedral in the biggest room, our biggest challenge was the warm air rose, and the cold air was on the floor where we were. I'd get the the largest firebox available be it an insert or a stove peeking out past the fireplace opening. I bought a little insert that fit neatly inside out fireplace opening, mistake, firebox was too small and not enough heat (we don't have a furnace). We put different smoke dragon back in, it sticks out but it chooch's heat!!!
Yes a free standing would work with rear vent. Is there a ceiling fan in loft area? Glad to hear about dry wood makes heating with wood much easier!
And let's recall Backwoods Savage fan advice (it works, I use it). Blow the cool air into warm air. Warm air is much harder to move.
Thank you. The reason is that cool or cold air is more dense than warm or hot air and therefore if you wish to move warm air, push it with cool air (blow cool air into the stove room). For a good example of the denseness of cool vs warm air, think of airplanes and lift. Why do some airports close during extreme heat? Because of no lift. But with cold air they need less runway to become airborne because of the denseness of air giving them more lift. Welcome to the forum Lowbid. Be sure to check out the Woodstock Soapstone lineup, especially the Ideal Steel and the Progress Hybrid.
It is a heating beast! Also has a super great cooktop. One very heavy stove too which only adds to the amount of heat and the ability to hold it for a good length of time. I would have one but my house is not large enough to have that big of a heater. Our Fireview is excellent for us.
Ceiling height is usually/often factored into cooling and heating calculations. yes lofts are a bit of an anomaly as well. Plan on a fan if there isn't one already.
Your home is very large. Your options are also very limited with rear vent. You can’t go too big in your climate with such a large home so go as big as you can and plan on using that furnace.
So not being a "stove guy", could he possibly go bigger & top vent & punch the pipe into the chimney up higher for bigger firebox heat etc?
He almost certainly can but that’s a big aesthetic change and even the biggest baddest stove on the market will be hard pressed to keep up with that home in that climate without help.
For a visual. Here’s my Lopi Leyden set up in front of a Rumford fireplace. Into a liner full length of Chimney. I wanted the stove completely out of the fireplace for heat radiation and that’s how I set it up. I plan on painting the exposed liner flat black but it’s only been 3 years since I installed it. I’ll get to it. Eventually. Maybe... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
As I said in my thread below, I found a 10 year old unused WS Fireview for $2k. I will see how it handles my home size. If I need to go larger next year, I’ll sell it and upsize. Another question. When I line my tile chimney, should I use rigid pipe for the straight portion and flex pipe for the lower 5-6 feet through the damper area?
I'm afraid that I am not qualified to answer that. I'm an outdoor boiler guy. I will say that I really love the look of the Fireview stove though & it sounds like you got a good deal on it. I can't wait to see the finished install!