I hadan interesting experience with a kind man in a rural area and upon talking he had mentioned a transgender person but referred to them as a “well you know like a transformer”. Not in a negative way what so ever, he was very open minded live and let live, just made me laugh that he didn’t realize lot’s of folks might be offended. He wasn’t in any way speaking bad of the person, Next time I see him I will strategically try to correct him, without making him embarrassed. Still made me chuckle, humans his wife are both disabled and still manage to own a business and work too!
Next thing you know, guys will be pretending to be girls on the internet scamming people out of whatever they can!!!
We are doomed, it’s over. We just fell off the cliff and we are gaining speed daily! When we hit the bottom it’s gonna be bad. Get prepared, now!
I hope that thirty years from now, whoever is around will look back on these times and ask, "What the H-E--double hockey sticks was wrong with people back then?!" Kind of how we look back now at fashion sense in the 80s
I know that the first time I criticize folks who won’t get the jab, something bad will come out about the vaccine. I’ve seen this movie.
What, you posting from the grave there AB? Per FHC bylaws, all deceased members accounts will be deactivated...you better quick post a mug shot pic with today's newspaper...
1970s. Bell bottoms and big afros were the craze. Now that was something to scare the living chit out of kids today. Or the plaid leisure suits, you wore those you were styling. The bigger the butterfly collar the more women you had chasing you. Polyester was king. The lovely shades of brown, green, or yellow all resemble and rightly called baby chit green etc. I think all the drugs from the 60s turned the 70s into that. Can’t imagine what the next decade will resemble nowadays.
Two words: conformity and uniformity. “They” want everyone to look, act and think the same. Because everyone is equal, only problem is some are more equal than others. Complete loss of individuality and individual rights. That’s where we’re heading. Maybe everyone will be wearing MC Hammer pants and Members Only jackets?