How about "convicts"? Does that make people feel any better? Don't like the label? Don't do stupid things to earn that label.
Our state now calls them "incarcerated individuals" or I/I for short. I fully expect them to be residents or clients soon. The Obama administration was referring to cons and ex-cons as "justice involved individuals."
Sports has gone from having a " disabled list" for hurt players to "injured list". Just another sign of the times. However, please refrain from this turning into a political discussion.
Yes, don't let this thread go downhill. I don't get this baloney of trying to soften up words we commonly use. Like now we have residents in lockup facilities rather than criminals or convicts in jail. A goose is a goose Dress it as you will But it remains a goose still
Just another one for the list. Can"t call first year students freshmen , now first year students Janitor is now custodial worker We don't have a mail man any more = letter carrier just to name a few............... Can't say anything any more without someone getting their undies in a bunch and needing to have their own set of rules and special treatment. The only ones that are benefiting from this is the company that makes trophies ; since now everybody gets one of those too.
One of the latest is the term "gypsy moths" needs to be changed. I did hear that fireflies are bringing a law suit against lantern flies.
Planes now have cabin attendants Restaurants now have servers There's so many The word manhole offends me.
I pizz a lot of those politically correct people off about daily. I say it as I see it and don’t exactly have a “filter”. Anyone who wants to cry and call me bad things I just let them know they can latch on and take their chances. Most go through other direction and think about crying.
Your WM still has them?! Geez, ours have been gone for years...well, other than the person that was counting how many people came in the store (last year) and maybe an additional someone wiping carts down. Heck, our WM doesn't even have cashiers anymore...all self checkout now! (1 cashier) And this is a "super" WM too!
You still go to Wally World? I haven stepped foot in one in at least 10 years. That whole crowd is beyond me.