I don’t know which other site FHC has an Iron Gut compared to,. I enjoy FHC and the members here, but the “Other Site” that I spend the majority of my forum time on has a specific section for Pol/Rel discussion, it takes a password to get in, and the TOU to get it includes that it is basically Unmoderated, short of personal attacks, and you have to accept that you may find other points of view offensive, accept that or don’t enter Fact of Life, a LOT of the problems that are happening in our Country ARE of POLITICAL ORIGINS, and to mention that here on FHC, will get your post “Pruned” or you Banned So yeah, if it is Political, FHC doesn’t like it, even if it IS THE TRUTH, whether it affects millions of people on a daily basis. There are a lot of Great People here on FHC, but I can’t just bury my head in the sand, and pretend reality doesn’t exist Doug
To the OP, I Hope that you and the seller reach a deal, and that you Enjoy the mill, I would Love to have a mill like that, but it just doesn’t fit my life in several ways Good Luck, Enjoy and Stay SAFE and Healthy, Doug
They were good mills and they hold their value my new LT40 super is a shade under 50,000.00 and I ordered it in march it is not due until june 2022 . A new mill would be around 18-20000.00 comparable to that and as long as it is mechanically good it works the same just does not have all the fancy setworks it looks like it was kept inside also make a big difference .
Doug we discussed this recently and hopefully won't again. The fact remains that anytime politics are discussed argument is bound to happen. That is what is not wanted here and it has absolutely nothing to do with truth or fiction. So I ask you to refrain from politics and there is no reason to start bashing FHC.
Redneck, you are pricing the Cadillac of portable mills. The Woodmizer folks are very supportive so if you haven't looked them up on line here is the address for any used mills they currently have for sale (assume they took them in on trade for a new/newer mill). https://www.usedsawmills.com/used-sawmills-for-sale Here is their home address: Portable Sawmills and Wood Processing Equipment | Wood-Mizer USA I already clicked on North America and English. I am not affiliated with WM nor do I have one. Had a friend run one for decades. Anyway, feel free to call WM and ask them about it. Good luck, I am jealous, ever since being a kid and watching the Walton's, have wanted a sawmill. Oh, that by the way is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth as I know it if it were me looking and drooling over this mill!!!!! To the other guy, if you have a site that meets your needs, then I guess good bye!
And we do so, so people won't fight, argue, hate each other or threaten. It has happened! Civility is what we try for. Yes, many of us BITE our tongue every day! There are many of good folks on both side of the Isle here and many would leave or not participate due to various discussions. Several of us came from a place that was TOXIC and it created more enemies than friends there. That doesn't happen here and our GTG's prove that. Yes, there is differences but we can all come together with a common voice of our passion of firewood burning and simple out door life. Reflecting on that is what this place is all about, NOT politics!!!
Nor any secret password protected discussion. If members want to chat about Swamp stuff, they are free to do that in a PM. Off limits to us mods & admins.
My opinion is if you can afford it and you like it get it. You're in the territory of what can you get like this, this close and in this price range. If the answer is nothing well....... And if you overpaid so what ? It couldn't wind up being that much anyway. That feeling will go away as soon as you look at the stack of wood you cut.
I also thought $8900 was a bit pricey, but I have no experience with sawmills. Seem that others find the price justifiable, so if ya got the deal down nearly $2K.. maybe. That's a discussion between you and your bank account. I have, but not often, suffered from buyers remorse, but regret not snagging a good deal more often than not. $.02
Absolutely. Chassis shortages are an issue. This is a huge issue that spans the country, both shores really, not just the west coast. This goes further than the extra money that unemployment is kicking in. There's still only so many drivers, and that was a trend that wasn't looking good even pre 2020. This only got worse because of everything going on.
From what I am hearing, the chassis shortage is everywhere, especially Chicago, in the mid west, for the same reasons that I already mentioned A Driver Shortage?, what we actually have is a Driver PAY Shortage, the minimum wage went up, and beyond in many cases, for reasons that can’t be discussed, and companies think that they are going to get Class A, CDL drivers for $18-22/hour, when McDonalds is paying $15-18/ hour. You can’t just raise the bottom, the whole ship has to rise with the tide. Doug
I'm fighting material issues like never before. Quotes went from valid for 30 days to some being end of day or less even. Major boat mfg. I work for has orders galore but can't get fiberglass resin. We're calling the engineers of our customers daily for material substitutions.
From what I see at the loading dock of the warehouse next to my workplace, there are a whole bunch of OTR semi drivers that aren't worth the $18-22 hr...how can you drive a 75-80' long truck all day and not be able to back up to a wide open dock with a huge parking lot to swing around in?!
Good Drivers aren’t Cheap Cheap Drivers aren’t Good In the end, Cheap Drivers are usually more expensive, after Vehicle Damage, Property Damage, Hopefully No Injuries or Worse, and rising insurance rates, Good Drivers are worth more than they are paid Fortunately, I am with a company that appreciates Good Drivers, hey more money is better, but I have been with them a week shy of 5 years, and I am still here, so obviously they are doing something right Doug
Im a bigger tightwad! I pinch a penny so tight that heads and tails end up on the same side or the coin!