The mountain laurel is blooming Ft As well as whatever these are. Plus what I think are 4 o'clock. A bit blurry
I think Midwinter is correct . But really, they don't care what they are called and "yellow flower" is perfect
Peonies (All the buds exploded the day after I took these pictures), iris, clematis and shrubs I was surprised to see a volunteer variegated weigela while I was weeding the driveway garden (the little plant in the foreground). Parent plant is 5-7 feet away. I find most garden gnomes creepy (sort of like clowns), so I had to have this little statue of a massacre. Yes it's cheesy, but it makes me laugh Vareigated willow brightens up a shady spot
Septic field side wildflower patch is progressing. Grass is up there, the flowers will get their turn soon. We had a rabbit nest in the middle of the tall grass. Driveway side. Fleabane, cornflower and campions. Nothing fancy. More for the wildlife then us. The bare root beach plum saplings are really doing well. I'll have to get taller fencing as they are growing above the wire fencing rings. May need 4' cages soon.
No pic, but the second RoS is starting to leaf out. I've been making sure to give it extra water and that seems to have done the trick. Got one bud from the RoS that leafed out first group and it bloomed nicely. Actually surprised as iris like to take a year or three after transplanting. As for the Rose Campion - I've got a bazillion coming in from the parents seeding. If any of those I gave you had even one bloom on it, I'm betting the seeds will/have germinated. The youngsters don't quite look like the parents as the leaves are greener and look like weeds are trying to come in.
Composted horse manure from the neighbors. I'm throwing it everywhere! It's kind of the running joke at work as I get a few cartloads most weekends and toss it all over the place.
Be careful. A friend of mine uses composted horse manure in his garden. When he stops by with tomatoes I'll tell him they look great, but taste like horse $hit.
Our gardenia is really showing out and smells all over the yard. The circus multi color rose has 3 blooms. Most it's done in awhile
A little walk around the yard Lots-o-hostas Goose neck loosestrife will be blooming in a few weeks Daylillies are popping open The stately cohosh is loaded with buds. They'll also be in bloom, in a few weeks. And his little lily is blooming just off the driveway
Your yard is pretty, Mike. Wish our hostas were that big and pretty. We lost 2 of our big knockout roses, when we pulled them up, we first thought root rot, then we saw the teeth marks, maybe moles, but I really think Mr. Chippy monk......I hope some of the cats will thin out the herd.
Current compost is hot and making more food for the garden. This pile is about a yard worth of material and will be put on the three garlic beds after they come out in mid-Culy, and then I will be planting a late summer crop of lettuces, spinach, carrots, basil and zucchini.