Just getting over a case of poison ivy. It was a vine on a log that was dropped off- no leaves though. Spent a week on prednisone due to it. Had it really bad on the insides of both knees. I got a lot of looks and comments when I went it to teach last Monday wearing mesh shorts and sneakers along with a soft t shirt. Told my boss I can dress like this and teach my students or I could have stayed home. He was cool once I explained it was poison ivy.
Biggest PI ive ever cut through from last September. Got a touch of it on my arms. The wood was black locust otherwise i wouldve left it.
Very little ivy present. Look at the cherry its caught up in. I am going to drop that as well. It's got some dead in it. It will make some decent wood.
Between PI and bugs, and sweating, that's enough for me. Now, I was immune to PI as a kid. I used to be able to roll in it and have zero reaction. I haven't tested that out in a while and don't want to deal with any repercussions.
Having hand sanitizer in your vehicle is a great thing to have. I like the sauve brand pump spray. I think the pandemic will get people to be a little more sanitary than they used to be. I'm no germiphobe, but if you go to a store and touch a door handle our something that hundreds of people have touched, it's a good idea to wash your hands.
I was the same way never got PI used to hand scythe the roadsides. Then when I got older any time I am around it I usually get infected, not real bad but itchy to say the least.
Same boat immune as kid but I toss it in ravine; one neighbors very allergic; so I don’t burn it anymore..