Some before and after pics- I had done some cutting/splitting for this gal last year, so cool. She was a hot shot firefighter and has a doctorate in forestry. Pays well, easy going. I love working on her property. Had a few live oaks taken down, and a grey pine. Hauled ten truck/trailer loads of limbs to the free greenwaste dump, then c/s/s about 4cord. More not pictured. Last year I had done ten cords! She is really cleaning it up.
Nice work there RN! Did you stack it tool? Great when you have customers like that. Been pretty hot up there. Will you work right through the Summer?
I did stack it, wife and kids helped too. Not much work for the summer. This is one of the last for sure. I have about ten cords to sell for next fall that was cut off downed trees and split. My summer plans include camping, swimming, riding mtn bikes and motorcycles and generally staying cool while indoors working my day job.
It was 106 I believe on Monday finishing up. Too darn hot for any sort of c/s/s, especially with fire danger.
Definitely too hot for this guy. We are forecast 3 days in the low 90's starting Saturday and its about time for me to hibernate then wake up in October..