Left that area around 19:30, it was hitting HARD. lotsa lightening, rain, was that way all the way to get the trailer fulla wood from earlier, and then home. Highway driving was slow, was watching for downed trees on the back roads. Being fully loaded, ida had to come back for any blowdowns. We enjoy the occasional gullywhomper here....'specially the electrical type. Sca
I could have done with more than the two minutes of rain that wet the grass enough to make the lawn grow, but didn't get even the top of the bark mulch in my gardens wet so I'll be watering them today. Got some high wind and a couple rumbles of thunder, but nothing to right home about. Best thing is that it cooled the outside temps down from 90 (it got as high as 92 here) to 76 in 15-20 minutes. And yes, that is the inside temp over on the right so I opened the windows and installed the fans. Unfortunately, the low this morning is only 65 so it's still 74 inside (in my office, the warmest spot in the house by about 3*). By afternoon the 12k portable A/C in the living room can't keep up even with the two bedrooms closed off. I refuse to install the window A/C in the office as the mini-split is supposed to be installed on 6/7. I've already had 4 days it was over 90 here (maybe 5), I'm just happy it is supposed to be cool this weekend so the house should cool down nicely.
We had a low of 51 this morning with possible frost the next two mornings. We didn't get any rain so our dry stretch continues.
Central Mass got some rain, but southern Mass not so much. 0.01 inch according to the most local weather station. I've only had to cut the lawn once so far this year. Weird.
Wow, potential frost coming up...is that normal for your location? We were on the edge of a storm yesterday, got enough rain to change the color of the road except for the rain shadow made by trees (so barely a sprinkle). Then the sun came out and it really got hot as ballz.... Better chance for storms and rain friday and saturday...fingers crossed.
You get freeze warnings in 11 months out of the year!! Our high is 60 but won’t freeze because of lake
Local forecaster has been using that 4 letter word today. SNOW Only supposed to be an occasional flake or two. Daytime highs today only in the 40's
We have been having a nice steady rain most of the day and it looks like it may continue into tomorrow. I may have to kick the furnace on tonight
Better the furnace than the A/C full blast... We have had a high pressure system sitting over the SE for awhile. Beautiful days, but hot and dry. Farmers are having low pasture, almost ready to feed hay, when its time to cut hay...