Some hate odors, especially red oak gets bad words sometimes because it has a strong odor. Cottonwood and popple also is strong when cut, not to mention willow. But for me the worst is not when cut, but to be around olive when in blossom is terrible. It just plain stinks and it is in full blossom right now. Another bad thing is that it comes into blossom just before the annual hatching of the big crop of mosquitoes. But this year should not be too bad for those because there is very little standing water. I say that and it is raining now, so we'll no doubt have skeeters this week. Time to get out the thermacell units.
Autumn olive is very strong and pretty pungent. Very invasive too. I found one in the tree line along our neighbors that will get cut.
Everybody’s sniffers are definitely different. I rather like the smell of red and white oak. I get a whiskey barrel like smell from both. Only experienced the puke-like smell once and the tree was partially rotten. And even then, it was just splits around the base where the rot was. Never been around any olive.
Exactly. Everyone's sniffers are different. While at Dennis's GTG, the red oak we were processing smelled just fine. In don't think I've ever gotten the dog chit smell from red oak. It can be a bit pungent, but never like someone stepped on a freshy.
Pin oak usually has the stinky smell. We just cut/split a cord+ of pecan...I wasn't feeling to well the other morning when I walked by it... Smells like a horse stable...
Ms. buZZsaw says i stink sometimes! All kidding aside, my least favorite is when black locust bark loosens up and comes off. Some putrid stuff. Few months from cut green in warmer weather and it comes off. Banana peel slippery too.
Im not fond on pin oak myself. I had a mound of oak splits near the shed couple years back. Neighbor and Ms. buZZsaw didnt like the smell, but i did.
I like the smell of oak myself... only recall one that wasn't favorite was the SBH that had some water in it, smelled like an old whiskey barrel
I had the same thoughts on the way fresh cut Hickory smells. It really doesn't smell good to me. Hard to believe it does such a great job as a smoking wood. Sent from my SM-G930VL using Tapatalk
I cut some shagbark hickory last year that reeked badly like urine, but a couple months ago I processed a large pignut hickory that smelled strangely enticing.
I absolutely love the smell of red oak, so much I’m bummed when it starts to fade away. Autumn olive is a plague akin to kudzu.
Yep, when I cut it and when I split it, I just can't imagine using that for smoking in the bbq. I'll stick with apple and oak.
We have russian olive infesting the abandoned property next door. They come up here and I try to dig them out with the backhoe but seems like leave one little bit of root and it grows right back.
I am in the midst of the spring infestation of those little black gnats right now. You know, the ones that swarm you and get into your eyes, nose, ears, mouth, and then eventually start gnawing on you somewhere??? Same as what thewoodlands is living through right now. And yes, you're right. Mosquitos are next!