Haven’t had a fire in the owb for about 2-3 weeks but finally got around to cleaning it out for the season. See you again in the fall my friend
It’s hard for me to keep track as the woods mostly stored at my moms and is just piled up. Best guess would be 8 cords but keep in mind this is all junk wood from processing what I sell.
Started a fire again this morning but for a change there was no ice on water this morning. Maybe we won't get more for about 4 months.
Wow! Looks almost new! I don’t nearly go that far in the spring. Probably should, but by the time I’m done burning/cleaning it for nearly 7 months, last thing I wanna do is spend more time with the stove - haha!
Same here Ron T , had frost warning last night and projected into the 30’s next 2 nights. It’s supposedly out of here for good next week, longest burn season I’ve ever had, been near 10* cooler on average this spring.
We had frost here Wednesday and Thursday. Looks like we're done with the cold stuff now though. We've been letting the oil furnace run a good bit.
We had 40 this morning but mid 70's with bright sunshine in the afternoon. There has been frost in the cranberry bogs the last few nights and will be each night in the near future.
Glad you are finally able to shut it down. We have had temps in the 40's past few nights, about 66° inside, my hunny suggested a fire a couple times, but didn't want to house to hot later in the day.
Soooo...... pretty much perfect weather? Tell Miss Carol I said hi. Yep, & kinda weird because it never got really cold. Just a drawn out damp season.