I was shocked these were up. We had 3.5 inches of snow Wednesday morning and 24 degrees. Frosted several mornings last week but they are up
We picked 20 whites today. Left about 10 small ones to grow some more. Hopefully the warm nights coming this week will make more pop up.
Looks like ours are over. Found 3 big white/yellows today that were old. Spread one out and hung 2 in a tree to help spread the spores.
Do you know or believe that this works? I've read of people putting them in mesh type bags when collecting to spread the spores around the area where they're harvesting. When we first started finding morels, we marked some of the spots with surveying pin flags right beside the morel. Other spots we marked with flagging. Not sure how a morel grows, but checking the pin flag locations in later years hasn't turned up much, so they must not definitely grow in the exact spot (like from some kind of "root" system or continuous active point source...don't know what to call it). Perhaps somone here can explain the growth cycle/habit better...
I’ve found a few bigger than these but this is the biggest group I’ve found. All within 5’ of each other