Filthy saw it's never been apart. The carb was rebuilt at some point I need to fix deteriorating wiring And do carb kit,piston kit,seals and a fuel line The bearing's are tight.
Yes I stocked up on everything a couple year's ago I bought multiples of everything. Aftermarket stuff I still service a lot of 2 series in my area No shop wants to work on them They want you to buy modern junk.
Started on a nice 97 272 also from the same guy in kansas It's getting a hyway pop-up I rebuilt the tillotson hs260a and am putting new seals and fuel line/ carb kit In today.
Yes the coils are good I just need to fix some cracked wire's. I like my t handles 8.00 a set when I bought them.
On the bench, kinda I’ve got parts flying in from all over the globe for a Dolmar PS 9000 but while I wait I dragged this guy out. Has spark and 130 psi. Piston looks ok. Maybe just rings, a presence switch if I can find one and soft goods. And a bath!
New to me muffler made it today. I didn’t realize it had this side hustle going on, peaking out behind the handle.
Plastic surgery on a universal coil to put a spark back on a Dolmar PS-9000. Whittled down further than the pic so it fit. Saw now has spark again!
Friend brought a pretty nice Husqvarna 61 that died in the cut and he couldn’t start it after. Had been hard to get started for a while. Has spark and 140 psi. Found it very packed with oily dust in the fly wheel side and suspected that seal is dead. Pulled the PTO side and voila I ordered a set of seals and a carb kit a few days ago.
Dolmar PS-9000 going back together now that’s it’s clean and I’ve gotten parts, Gave the muffler a touch up too
Finished the low hour 044 didn't need rings piston still looks new. Put in a Carb kit and Added a Dual port,7 pin sprocket and new chain My 84 266 is more powerful and lighter. But most of the weight is the aluminum core Oregon.
Nah It's for a customer I've got 20 or 30 66cc to 88cc 2 and 3 series Saws and builder's. Nothing out there will replace my Husqvarnas I've tried just about all of the brands.