Found a decent firewood score today. A tree service getting rid of scrap wood. Only catch is you can't bring in any equipment or tools of any kind. Just your truck. Take anything you can lift and put in your truck bed for free. Most of it was too large to lift, but I got a decent truck load.
Yeah, it was tough, I got about a half truck load, all pieces that were 60-120lbs (the smaller pieces in the truck I got from another place earlier in the day. My back is going to hurt tomorrow. I'm not as young as I used to be. I'm not great at wood id'ing, but I think there are a couple pieces of oak, a piece or two of ash, and some sort of maple maybe?
Or even a 2 x 12, roll them up the ramp, it couldn’t be that hard to do. Tha kind of wood is just too easy to pass up
Your great and have fantastic tools! I’m a cheap azz have a real problem borrowing buddies trucks that cost $60,000 for firewood. I have no problem going to Penske 24 foot box truck with a tommy gate for 30 bucks day. Hit it with sprayer at car wash
The property the tree service is on has an older house on it. All of the houses around it are new construction and cul-de-sacs probably with HOA's and whatnot. The area where the wood was likely "in the country" 5-10 years ago, until property around it got bought and houses were put in. I don't feel too bad for the neighbors for choosing to move there.
About 20.00 for a set of ramp ends for 2 bys. I use mine all the time to roll them big hogs in the truck. I'd have a path worn in to that pile.